Abstract:Autoregressive and recurrent networks have achieved remarkable progress across various fields, from weather forecasting to molecular generation and Large Language Models. Despite their strong predictive capabilities, these models lack a rigorous framework for addressing uncertainty, which is key in scientific applications such as PDE solving, molecular generation and Machine Learning Force Fields. To address this shortcoming we present BARNN: a variational Bayesian Autoregressive and Recurrent Neural Network. BARNNs aim to provide a principled way to turn any autoregressive or recurrent model into its Bayesian version. BARNN is based on the variational dropout method, allowing to apply it to large recurrent neural networks as well. We also introduce a temporal version of the "Variational Mixtures of Posteriors" prior (tVAMP-prior) to make Bayesian inference efficient and well-calibrated. Extensive experiments on PDE modelling and molecular generation demonstrate that BARNN not only achieves comparable or superior accuracy compared to existing methods, but also excels in uncertainty quantification and modelling long-range dependencies.
Abstract:We present a novel reduced-order Model (ROM) that leverages optimal transport (OT) theory and displacement interpolation to enhance the representation of nonlinear dynamics in complex systems. While traditional ROM techniques face challenges in this scenario, especially when data (i.e., observational snapshots) is limited, our method addresses these issues by introducing a data augmentation strategy based on OT principles. The proposed framework generates interpolated solutions tracing geodesic paths in the space of probability distributions, enriching the training dataset for the ROM. A key feature of our approach is its ability to provide a continuous representation of the solution's dynamics by exploiting a virtual-to-real time mapping. This enables the reconstruction of solutions at finer temporal scales than those provided by the original data. To further improve prediction accuracy, we employ Gaussian Process Regression to learn the residual and correct the representation between the interpolated snapshots and the physical solution. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our methodology with atmospheric mesoscale benchmarks characterized by highly nonlinear, advection-dominated dynamics. Our results show improved accuracy and efficiency in predicting complex system behaviors, indicating the potential of this approach for a wide range of applications in computational physics and engineering.
Abstract:The complexity of the cardiovascular system needs to be accurately reproduced in order to promptly acknowledge health conditions; to this aim, advanced multifidelity and multiphysics numerical models are crucial. On one side, Full Order Models (FOMs) deliver accurate hemodynamic assessments, but their high computational demands hinder their real-time clinical application. In contrast, ROMs provide more efficient yet accurate solutions, essential for personalized healthcare and timely clinical decision-making. In this work, we explore the application of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) in cardiovascular medicine by integrating FOMs with ROMs for predicting the risk of aortic aneurysm growth and rupture. Wall Shear Stress (WSS) and the Oscillatory Shear Index (OSI), sampled at different growth stages of the abdominal aortic aneurysm, are predicted by means of Graph Neural Networks (GNNs). GNNs exploit the natural graph structure of the mesh obtained by the Finite Volume (FV) discretization, taking into account the spatial local information, regardless of the dimension of the input graph. Our experimental validation framework yields promising results, confirming our method as a valid alternative that overcomes the curse of dimensionality.
Abstract:This paper aims to comprehensively investigate the efficacy of various Model Order Reduction (MOR) and deep learning techniques in predicting heat transfer in a pulsed jet impinging on a concave surface. Expanding on the previous experimental and numerical research involving pulsed circular jets, this investigation extends to evaluate Predictive Surrogate Models (PSM) for heat transfer across various jet characteristics. To this end, this work introduces two predictive approaches, one employing a Fast Fourier Transformation augmented Artificial Neural Network (FFT-ANN) for predicting the average Nusselt number under constant-frequency scenarios. Moreover, the investigation introduces the Proper Orthogonal Decomposition and Long Short-Term Memory (POD-LSTM) approach for random-frequency impingement jets. The POD-LSTM method proves to be a robust solution for predicting the local heat transfer rate under random-frequency impingement scenarios, capturing both the trend and value of temporal modes. The comparison of these approaches highlights the versatility and efficacy of advanced machine learning techniques in modelling complex heat transfer phenomena.
Abstract:This research study explores the applicability of Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) for thermal control based on Computational Fluid Dynamics. To accomplish that, the forced convection on a hot plate prone to a pulsating cooling jet with variable velocity has been investigated. We begin with evaluating the efficiency and viability of a vanilla Deep Q-Network (DQN) method for thermal control. Subsequently, a comprehensive comparison between different variants of DRL is conducted. Soft Double and Duel DQN achieved better thermal control performance among all the variants due to their efficient learning and action prioritization capabilities. Results demonstrate that the soft Double DQN outperforms the hard Double DQN. Moreover, soft Double and Duel can maintain the temperature in the desired threshold for more than 98% of the control cycle. These findings demonstrate the promising potential of DRL in effectively addressing thermal control systems.
Abstract:Reduced order models (ROMs) are widely used in scientific computing to tackle high-dimensional systems. However, traditional ROM methods may only partially capture the intrinsic geometric characteristics of the data. These characteristics encompass the underlying structure, relationships, and essential features crucial for accurate modeling. To overcome this limitation, we propose a novel ROM framework that integrates optimal transport (OT) theory and neural network-based methods. Specifically, we investigate the Kernel Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (kPOD) method exploiting the Wasserstein distance as the custom kernel, and we efficiently train the resulting neural network (NN) employing the Sinkhorn algorithm. By leveraging an OT-based nonlinear reduction, the presented framework can capture the geometric structure of the data, which is crucial for accurate learning of the reduced solution manifold. When compared with traditional metrics such as mean squared error or cross-entropy, exploiting the Sinkhorn divergence as the loss function enhances stability during training, robustness against overfitting and noise, and accelerates convergence. To showcase the approach's effectiveness, we conduct experiments on a set of challenging test cases exhibiting a slow decay of the Kolmogorov n-width. The results show that our framework outperforms traditional ROM methods in terms of accuracy and computational efficiency.
Abstract:In this work, we present GAROM, a new approach for reduced order modelling (ROM) based on generative adversarial networks (GANs). GANs have the potential to learn data distribution and generate more realistic data. While widely applied in many areas of deep learning, little research is done on their application for ROM, i.e. approximating a high-fidelity model with a simpler one. In this work, we combine the GAN and ROM framework, by introducing a data-driven generative adversarial model able to learn solutions to parametric differential equations. The latter is achieved by modelling the discriminator network as an autoencoder, extracting relevant features of the input, and applying a conditioning mechanism to the generator and discriminator networks specifying the differential equation parameters. We show how to apply our methodology for inference, provide experimental evidence of the model generalisation, and perform a convergence study of the method.
Abstract:In the present work, we introduce a novel approach to enhance the precision of reduced order models by exploiting a multi-fidelity perspective and DeepONets. Reduced models provide a real-time numerical approximation by simplifying the original model. The error introduced by such operation is usually neglected and sacrificed in order to reach a fast computation. We propose to couple the model reduction to a machine learning residual learning, such that the above-mentioned error can be learnt by a neural network and inferred for new predictions. We emphasize that the framework maximizes the exploitation of the high-fidelity information, using it for building the reduced order model and for learning the residual. In this work we explore the integration of proper orthogonal decomposition (POD), and gappy POD for sensors data, with the recent DeepONet architecture. Numerical investigations for a parametric benchmark function and a nonlinear parametric Navier-Stokes problem are presented.
Abstract:Parametric time-dependent systems are of a crucial importance in modeling real phenomena, often characterized by non-linear behaviors too. Those solutions are typically difficult to generalize in a sufficiently wide parameter space while counting on limited computational resources available. As such, we present a general two-stages deep learning framework able to perform that generalization with low computational effort in time. It consists in a separated training of two pipe-lined predictive models. At first, a certain number of independent neural networks are trained with data-sets taken from different subsets of the parameter space. Successively, a second predictive model is specialized to properly combine the first-stage guesses and compute the right predictions. Promising results are obtained applying the framework to incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in a cavity (Rayleigh-Bernard cavity), obtaining a 97% reduction in the computational time comparing with its numerical resolution for a new value of the Grashof number.
Abstract:In this work, we propose a model order reduction framework to deal with inverse problems in a non-intrusive setting. Inverse problems, especially in a partial differential equation context, require a huge computational load due to the iterative optimization process. To accelerate such a procedure, we apply a numerical pipeline that involves artificial neural networks to parametrize the boundary conditions of the problem in hand, compress the dimensionality of the (full-order) snapshots, and approximate the parametric solution manifold. It derives a general framework capable to provide an ad-hoc parametrization of the inlet boundary and quickly converges to the optimal solution thanks to model order reduction. We present in this contribution the results obtained by applying such methods to two different CFD test cases.