Abstract:Deep learning techniques hold promise to improve dense topography reconstruction and pose estimation, as well as simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). However, currently available datasets do not support effective quantitative benchmarking. With this paper, we introduce a comprehensive endoscopic SLAM dataset containing both capsule and standard endoscopy recordings. A Panda robotic arm, two different commercially available high precision 3D scanners, two different commercially available capsule endoscopes with different camera properties and two different conventional endoscopy cameras were employed to collect data from eight ex-vivo porcine gastrointestinal (GI)-tract organs. In total, 35 sub-datasets are provided: 18 sub-datasets for colon, 12 sub-datasets for stomach and five sub-datasets for small intestine, while four of these contain polyp-mimicking elevations carried out by an expert gastroenterologist. To exemplify the use-case, SC-SfMLearner was comprehensively benchmarked. The codes and the link for the dataset are publicly available at https://github.com/CapsuleEndoscope/EndoSLAM. A video demonstrating the experimental setup and procedure is available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_LCe0aWWdQ.