Abstract:In the physical layer (PHY) of modern cellular systems, information is transmitted as a sequence of resource blocks (RBs) across various domains with each resource block limited to a certain time and frequency duration. In the PHY of 4G/5G systems, data is transmitted in the unit of transport block (TB) across a fixed number of physical RBs based on resource allocation decisions. Using sharp band-limiting in the frequency domain can provide good separation between different resource allocations without wasting resources in guard bands. However, using sharp filters comes at the cost of elongating the overall system impulse response which can accentuate inter-symbol interference (ISI). In a multi-user setup, such as in Machine Type Communication (MTC), different users are allocated resources across time and frequency, and operate at different power levels. If strict band-limiting separation is used, high power user signals can leak in time into low power user allocations. The ISI extent, i.e., the number of neighboring symbols that contribute to the interference, depends both on the channel delay spread and the spectral concentration properties of the signaling waveforms. We hypothesize that using a precoder that effectively transforms an OFDM waveform basis into a basis comprised of prolate spheroidal sequences (DPSS) can minimize the ISI extent when strictly confined frequency allocations are used. Analytical expressions for upper bounds on ISI are derived. In addition, simulation results support our hypothesis.
Abstract:In the physical layer (PHY) of modern cellular systems, information is transmitted as a sequence of resource blocks (RBs) across various domains with each resource block limited to a certain time and frequency duration. In the PHY of 4G/5G systems, data is transmitted in the unit of transport block (TB) across a fixed number of physical RBs based on resource allocation decisions. This simultaneous time and frequency localized structure of resource allocation is at odds with the perennial time-frequency compactness limits. Specifically, the band-limiting operation will disrupt the time localization and lead to inter-block interference (IBI). The IBI extent, i.e., the number of neighboring blocks that contribute to the interference, depends mainly on the spectral concentration properties of the signaling waveforms. Deviating from the standard Gabor-frame based multi-carrier approaches which use time-frequency shifted versions of a single prototype pulse, the use of a set of multiple mutually orthogonal pulse shapes-that are not related by a time-frequency shift relationship-is proposed. We hypothesize that using discrete prolate spheroidal sequences (DPSS) as the set of waveform pulse shapes reduces IBI. Analytical expressions for upper bounds on IBI are derived as well as simulation results provided that support our hypothesis.