Picture for Dylan Malone Stuart

Dylan Malone Stuart

Bit-Tactical: Exploiting Ineffectual Computations in Convolutional Neural Networks: Which, Why, and How

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Mar 09, 2018
Figure 1 for Bit-Tactical: Exploiting Ineffectual Computations in Convolutional Neural Networks: Which, Why, and How
Figure 2 for Bit-Tactical: Exploiting Ineffectual Computations in Convolutional Neural Networks: Which, Why, and How
Figure 3 for Bit-Tactical: Exploiting Ineffectual Computations in Convolutional Neural Networks: Which, Why, and How
Figure 4 for Bit-Tactical: Exploiting Ineffectual Computations in Convolutional Neural Networks: Which, Why, and How
Viaarxiv icon

Investigating the Effects of Dynamic Precision Scaling on Neural Network Training

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Jan 25, 2018
Figure 1 for Investigating the Effects of Dynamic Precision Scaling on Neural Network Training
Figure 2 for Investigating the Effects of Dynamic Precision Scaling on Neural Network Training
Viaarxiv icon