Abstract:Subgraph representation learning is a technique for analyzing local structures (or shapes) within complex networks. Enabled by recent developments in scalable Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), this approach encodes relational information at a subgroup level (multiple connected nodes) rather than at a node level of abstraction. We posit that certain domain applications, such as anti-money laundering (AML), are inherently subgraph problems and mainstream graph techniques have been operating at a suboptimal level of abstraction. This is due in part to the scarcity of annotated datasets of real-world size and complexity, as well as the lack of software tools for managing subgraph GNN workflows at scale. To enable work in fundamental algorithms as well as domain applications in AML and beyond, we introduce Elliptic2, a large graph dataset containing 122K labeled subgraphs of Bitcoin clusters within a background graph consisting of 49M node clusters and 196M edge transactions. The dataset provides subgraphs known to be linked to illicit activity for learning the set of "shapes" that money laundering exhibits in cryptocurrency and accurately classifying new criminal activity. Along with the dataset we share our graph techniques, software tooling, promising early experimental results, and new domain insights already gleaned from this approach. Taken together, we find immediate practical value in this approach and the potential for a new standard in anti-money laundering and forensic analytics in cryptocurrencies and other financial networks.
Abstract:We show that a modification of the first layer of a Graph Convolutional Network (GCN) can be used to effectively propagate label information across neighbor nodes, for binary and multi-class classification problems. This is done by selectively eliminating self-loops for the label features during the training phase of a GCN. The GCN architecture is otherwise unchanged, without any extra hyper-parameters, and can be used in both a transductive and inductive setting. We show through several experiments that, depending on how many labels are available during the inference phase, this strategy can lead to a substantial improvement in the model performance compared to a standard GCN approach, including with imbalanced datasets.
Abstract:Anti-money laundering (AML) regulations play a critical role in safeguarding financial systems, but bear high costs for institutions and drive financial exclusion for those on the socioeconomic and international margins. The advent of cryptocurrency has introduced an intriguing paradox: pseudonymity allows criminals to hide in plain sight, but open data gives more power to investigators and enables the crowdsourcing of forensic analysis. Meanwhile advances in learning algorithms show great promise for the AML toolkit. In this workshop tutorial, we motivate the opportunity to reconcile the cause of safety with that of financial inclusion. We contribute the Elliptic Data Set, a time series graph of over 200K Bitcoin transactions (nodes), 234K directed payment flows (edges), and 166 node features, including ones based on non-public data; to our knowledge, this is the largest labelled transaction data set publicly available in any cryptocurrency. We share results from a binary classification task predicting illicit transactions using variations of Logistic Regression (LR), Random Forest (RF), Multilayer Perceptrons (MLP), and Graph Convolutional Networks (GCN), with GCN being of special interest as an emergent new method for capturing relational information. The results show the superiority of Random Forest (RF), but also invite algorithmic work to combine the respective powers of RF and graph methods. Lastly, we consider visualization for analysis and explainability, which is difficult given the size and dynamism of real-world transaction graphs, and we offer a simple prototype capable of navigating the graph and observing model performance on illicit activity over time. With this tutorial and data set, we hope to a) invite feedback in support of our ongoing inquiry, and b) inspire others to work on this societally important challenge.