Abstract:There has been considerable work on reasoning about the strategic ability of agents under imperfect information. However, existing logics such as Probabilistic Strategy Logic are unable to express properties relating to information transparency. Information transparency concerns the extent to which agents' actions and behaviours are observable by other agents. Reasoning about information transparency is useful in many domains including security, privacy, and decision-making. In this paper, we present a formal framework for reasoning about information transparency properties in stochastic multi-agent systems. We extend Probabilistic Strategy Logic with new observability operators that capture the degree of observability of temporal properties by agents. We show that the model checking problem for the resulting logic is decidable.
Abstract:We introduce a family of quantitative measures of responsibility in multi-agent planning, building upon the concepts of causal responsibility proposed by Parker et al.~[ParkerGL23]. These concepts are formalised within a variant of probabilistic alternating-time temporal logic. Unlike existing approaches, our framework ascribes responsibility to agents for a given outcome by linking probabilities between behaviours and responsibility through three metrics, including an entropy-based measurement of responsibility. This latter measure is the first to capture the causal responsibility properties of outcomes over time, offering an asymptotic measurement that reflects the difficulty of achieving these outcomes. Our approach provides a fresh understanding of responsibility in multi-agent systems, illuminating both the qualitative and quantitative aspects of agents' roles in achieving or preventing outcomes.
Abstract:Responsibility plays a key role in the development and deployment of trustworthy autonomous systems. In this paper, we focus on the problem of strategic reasoning in probabilistic multi-agent systems with responsibility-aware agents. We introduce the logic PATL+R, a variant of Probabilistic Alternating-time Temporal Logic. The novelty of PATL+R lies in its incorporation of modalities for causal responsibility, providing a framework for responsibility-aware multi-agent strategic reasoning. We present an approach to synthesise joint strategies that satisfy an outcome specified in PATL+R, while optimising the share of expected causal responsibility and reward. This provides a notion of balanced distribution of responsibility and reward gain among agents. To this end, we utilise the Nash equilibrium as the solution concept for our strategic reasoning problem and demonstrate how to compute responsibility-aware Nash equilibrium strategies via a reduction to parametric model checking of concurrent stochastic multi-player games.
Abstract:In multiagent systems (MASs), agents' observation upon system behaviours may improve the overall team performance, but may also leak sensitive information to an observer. A quantified observability analysis can thus be useful to assist decision-making in MASs by operators seeking to optimise the relationship between performance effectiveness and information exposure through observations in practice. This paper presents a novel approach to quantitatively analysing the observability properties in MASs. The concept of opacity is applied to formally express the characterisation of observability in MASs modelled as partially observable multiagent systems. We propose a temporal logic oPATL to reason about agents' observability with quantitative goals, which capture the probability of information transparency of system behaviours to an observer, and develop verification techniques for quantitatively analysing such properties. We implement the approach as an extension of the PRISM model checker, and illustrate its applicability via several examples.