Abstract:Autonomous agents that execute human tasks by controlling computers can enhance human productivity and application accessibility. Yet, progress in this field will be driven by realistic and reproducible benchmarks. We present AndroidWorld, a fully functioning Android environment that provides reward signals for 116 programmatic task workflows across 20 real world Android applications. Unlike existing interactive environments, which provide a static test set, AndroidWorld dynamically constructs tasks that are parameterized and expressed in natural language in unlimited ways, thus enabling testing on a much larger and realistic suite of tasks. Reward signals are derived from the computer's system state, making them durable across task variations and extensible across different apps. To demonstrate AndroidWorld's benefits and mode of operation, we introduce a new computer control agent, M3A. M3A can complete 30.6% of the AndroidWorld's tasks, leaving ample room for future work. Furthermore, we adapt a popular desktop web agent to work on Android, which we find to be less effective on mobile, suggesting future research is needed to achieve universal, cross-domain agents. Finally, we conduct a robustness analysis by testing M3A against a range of task variations on a representative subset of tasks, demonstrating that variations in task parameters can significantly alter the complexity of a task and therefore an agent's performance, highlighting the importance of testing agents under diverse conditions. AndroidWorld and the experiments in this paper are available at https://github.com/google-research/android_world.
Abstract:A common problem for agents operating in real-world environments is that the response of an environment to their actions may be non-deterministic and observed through noise. This renders environmental state and progress towards completing a task latent. Despite recent impressive demonstrations of LLM's reasoning abilities on various benchmarks, whether LLMs can build estimates of latent state and leverage them for reasoning has not been explicitly studied. We investigate this problem in the real-world domain of autonomous UI agents. We establish that appropriately prompting LLMs in a zero-shot manner can be formally understood as forming point estimates of latent state in a textual space. In the context of autonomous UI agents we then show that LLMs used in this manner are more than $76\%$ accurate at inferring various aspects of latent state, such as performed (vs. commanded) actions and task progression. Using both public and internal benchmarks and three reasoning methods (zero-shot, CoT-SC & ReAct), we show that LLM-powered agents that explicitly estimate and reason about latent state are able to successfully complete up to 1.6x more tasks than those that do not.
Abstract:There is a growing interest in device-control systems that can interpret human natural language instructions and execute them on a digital device by directly controlling its user interface. We present a dataset for device-control research, Android in the Wild (AITW), which is orders of magnitude larger than current datasets. The dataset contains human demonstrations of device interactions, including the screens and actions, and corresponding natural language instructions. It consists of 715k episodes spanning 30k unique instructions, four versions of Android (v10-13),and eight device types (Pixel 2 XL to Pixel 6) with varying screen resolutions. It contains multi-step tasks that require semantic understanding of language and visual context. This dataset poses a new challenge: actions available through the user interface must be inferred from their visual appearance. And, instead of simple UI element-based actions, the action space consists of precise gestures (e.g., horizontal scrolls to operate carousel widgets). We organize our dataset to encourage robustness analysis of device-control systems, i.e., how well a system performs in the presence of new task descriptions, new applications, or new platform versions. We develop two agents and report performance across the dataset. The dataset is available at https://github.com/google-research/google-research/tree/master/android_in_the_wild.