Abstract:In the field of computer vision, multimodal image generation has become a research hotspot, especially the task of integrating text, image, and style. In this study, we propose a multimodal image generation method based on Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN), capable of effectively combining text descriptions, reference images, and style information to generate images that meet multimodal requirements. This method involves the design of a text encoder, an image feature extractor, and a style integration module, ensuring that the generated images maintain high quality in terms of visual content and style consistency. We also introduce multiple loss functions, including adversarial loss, text-image consistency loss, and style matching loss, to optimize the generation process. Experimental results show that our method produces images with high clarity and consistency across multiple public datasets, demonstrating significant performance improvements compared to existing methods. The outcomes of this study provide new insights into multimodal image generation and present broad application prospects.
Abstract:Thispaperaimstoresearchandimplementa real-timevideotargettrackingalgorithmbasedon ConvolutionalNeuralNetworks(CNN),enhancingthe accuracyandrobustnessoftargettrackingincomplex scenarios.Addressingthelimitationsoftraditionaltracking algorithmsinhandlingissuessuchastargetocclusion,morphologicalchanges,andbackgroundinterference,our approachintegratestargetdetectionandtrackingstrategies.It continuouslyupdatesthetargetmodelthroughanonline learningmechanismtoadapttochangesinthetarget's appearance.Experimentalresultsdemonstratethat,when dealingwithsituationsinvolvingrapidmotion,partial occlusion,andcomplexbackgrounds,theproposedalgorithm exhibitshighertrackingsuccessratesandlowerfailurerates comparedtoseveralmainstreamtrackingalgorithms.This studysuccessfullyappliesCNNtoreal-timevideotarget tracking,improvingtheaccuracyandstabilityofthetracking algorithmwhilemaintaininghighprocessingspeeds,thus meetingthedemandsofreal-timeapplications.Thisalgorithm isexpectedtoprovidenewsolutionsfortargettrackingtasksin videosurveillanceandintelligenttransportationdomains.
Abstract:It is very important to detect traffic signs efficiently and accurately in autonomous driving systems. However, the farther the distance, the smaller the traffic signs. Existing object detection algorithms can hardly detect these small scaled signs.In addition, the performance of embedded devices on vehicles limits the scale of detection models.To address these challenges, a YOLO PPA based traffic sign detection algorithm is proposed in this paper.The experimental results on the GTSDB dataset show that compared to the original YOLO, the proposed method improves inference efficiency by 11.2%. The mAP 50 is also improved by 93.2%, which demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed YOLO PPA.