Abstract:Handling heterogeneity and unpredictability are two core problems in pervasive computing. The challenge is to seamlessly integrate devices with varying computational resources in a dynamic environment to form a cohesive system that can fulfill the needs of all participants. Existing work on systems that adapt to changing requirements typically focuses on optimizing individual variables or low-level Service Level Objectives (SLOs), such as constraining the usage of specific resources. While low-level control mechanisms permit fine-grained control over a system, they introduce considerable complexity, particularly in dynamic environments. To this end, we propose drawing from Active Inference (AIF), a neuroscientific framework for designing adaptive agents. Specifically, we introduce a conceptual agent for heterogeneous pervasive systems that permits setting global systems constraints as high-level SLOs. Instead of manually setting low-level SLOs, the system finds an equilibrium that can adapt to environmental changes. We demonstrate the viability of AIF agents with an extensive experiment design, using heterogeneous and lifelong federated learning as an application scenario. We conduct our experiments on a physical testbed of devices with different resource types and vendor specifications. The results provide convincing evidence that an AIF agent can adapt a system to environmental changes. In particular, the AIF agent can balance competing SLOs in resource heterogeneous environments to ensure up to 98% fulfillment rate.
Abstract:The current scenario of IoT is witnessing a constant increase on the volume of data, which is generated in constant stream, calling for novel architectural and logical solutions for processing it. Moving the data handling towards the edge of the computing spectrum guarantees better distribution of load and, in principle, lower latency and better privacy. However, managing such a structure is complex, especially when requirements, also referred to Service Level Objectives (SLOs), specified by applications' owners and infrastructure managers need to be ensured. Despite the rich number of proposals of Machine Learning (ML) based management solutions, researchers and practitioners yet struggle to guarantee long-term prediction and control, and accurate troubleshooting. Therefore, we present a novel ML paradigm based on Active Inference (AIF) -- a concept from neuroscience that describes how the brain constantly predicts and evaluates sensory information to decrease long-term surprise. We implement it and evaluate it in a heterogeneous real stream processing use case, where an AIF-based agent continuously optimizes the fulfillment of three SLOs for three autonomous driving services running on multiple devices. The agent used causal knowledge to gradually develop an understanding of how its actions are related to requirements fulfillment, and which configurations to favor. Through this approach, our agent requires up to thirty iterations to converge to the optimal solution, showing the capability of offering accurate results in a short amount of time. Furthermore, thanks to AIF and its causal structures, our method guarantees full transparency on the decision making, making the interpretation of the results and the troubleshooting effortless.
Abstract:Computing Continuum (CC) systems are challenged to ensure the intricate requirements of each computational tier. Given the system's scale, the Service Level Objectives (SLOs) which are expressed as these requirements, must be broken down into smaller parts that can be decentralized. We present our framework for collaborative edge intelligence enabling individual edge devices to (1) develop a causal understanding of how to enforce their SLOs, and (2) transfer knowledge to speed up the onboarding of heterogeneous devices. Through collaboration, they (3) increase the scope of SLO fulfillment. We implemented the framework and evaluated a use case in which a CC system is responsible for ensuring Quality of Service (QoS) and Quality of Experience (QoE) during video streaming. Our results showed that edge devices required only ten training rounds to ensure four SLOs; furthermore, the underlying causal structures were also rationally explainable. The addition of new types of devices can be done a posteriori, the framework allowed them to reuse existing models, even though the device type had been unknown. Finally, rebalancing the load within a device cluster allowed individual edge devices to recover their SLO compliance after a network failure from 22% to 89%.
Abstract:Compute Continuum (CC) systems comprise a vast number of devices distributed over computational tiers. Evaluating business requirements, i.e., Service Level Objectives (SLOs), requires collecting data from all those devices; if SLOs are violated, devices must be reconfigured to ensure correct operation. If done centrally, this dramatically increases the number of devices and variables that must be considered, while creating an enormous communication overhead. To address this, we (1) introduce a causality filter based on Markov blankets (MB) that limits the number of variables that each device must track, (2) evaluate SLOs decentralized on a device basis, and (3) infer optimal device configuration for fulfilling SLOs. We evaluated our methodology by analyzing video stream transformations and providing device configurations that ensure the Quality of Service (QoS). The devices thus perceived their environment and acted accordingly -- a form of decentralized intelligence.
Abstract:Machine Learning (ML) is a common tool to interpret and predict the behavior of distributed computing systems, e.g., to optimize the task distribution between devices. As more and more data is created by Internet of Things (IoT) devices, data processing and ML training are carried out by edge devices in close proximity. To ensure Quality of Service (QoS) throughout these operations, systems are supervised and dynamically adapted with the help of ML. However, as long as ML models are not retrained, they fail to capture gradual shifts in the variable distribution, leading to an inaccurate view of the system state. Moreover, as the prediction accuracy decreases, the reporting device should actively resolve uncertainties to improve the model's precision. Such a level of self-determination could be provided by Active Inference (ACI) -- a concept from neuroscience that describes how the brain constantly predicts and evaluates sensory information to decrease long-term surprise. We encompassed these concepts in a single action-perception cycle, which we implemented for distributed agents in a smart manufacturing use case. As a result, we showed how our ACI agent was able to quickly and traceably solve an optimization problem while fulfilling QoS requirements.