Abstract:Semi-structured regression models enable the joint modeling of interpretable structured and complex unstructured feature effects. The structured model part is inspired by statistical models and can be used to infer the input-output relationship for features of particular importance. The complex unstructured part defines an arbitrary deep neural network and thereby provides enough flexibility to achieve competitive prediction performance. While these models can also account for aleatoric uncertainty, there is still a lack of work on accounting for epistemic uncertainty. In this paper, we address this problem by presenting a Bayesian approximation for semi-structured regression models using subspace inference. To this end, we extend subspace inference for joint posterior sampling from a full parameter space for structured effects and a subspace for unstructured effects. Apart from this hybrid sampling scheme, our method allows for tunable complexity of the subspace and can capture multiple minima in the loss landscape. Numerical experiments validate our approach's efficacy in recovering structured effect parameter posteriors in semi-structured models and approaching the full-space posterior distribution of MCMC for increasing subspace dimension. Further, our approach exhibits competitive predictive performance across simulated and real-world datasets.
Abstract:Deep neural networks (NNs) are known for their high-prediction performances. However, NNs are prone to yield unreliable predictions when encountering completely new situations without indicating their uncertainty. Bayesian variants of NNs (BNNs), such as Monte Carlo (MC) dropout BNNs, do provide uncertainty measures and simultaneously increase the prediction performance. The only disadvantage of BNNs is their higher computation time during test time because they rely on a sampling approach. Here we present a single-shot MC dropout approximation that preserves the advantages of BNNs while being as fast as NNs. Our approach is based on moment propagation (MP) and allows to analytically approximate the expected value and the variance of the MC dropout signal for commonly used layers in NNs, i.e. convolution, max pooling, dense, softmax, and dropout layers. The MP approach can convert an NN into a BNN without re-training given the NN has been trained with standard dropout. We evaluate our approach on different benchmark datasets and a simulated toy example in a classification and regression setting. We demonstrate that our single-shot MC dropout approximation resembles the point estimate and the uncertainty estimate of the predictive distribution that is achieved with an MC approach, while being fast enough for real-time deployments of BNNs. We show that using part of the saved time to combine our MP approach with deep ensemble techniques does further improve the uncertainty measures.
Abstract:Ensembles improve prediction performance and allow uncertainty quantification by aggregating predictions from multiple models. In deep ensembling, the individual models are usually black box neural networks, or recently, partially interpretable semi-structured deep transformation models. However, interpretability of the ensemble members is generally lost upon aggregation. This is a crucial drawback of deep ensembles in high-stake decision fields, in which interpretable models are desired. We propose a novel transformation ensemble which aggregates probabilistic predictions with the guarantee to preserve interpretability and yield uniformly better predictions than the ensemble members on average. Transformation ensembles are tailored towards interpretable deep transformation models but are applicable to a wider range of probabilistic neural networks. In experiments on several publicly available data sets, we demonstrate that transformation ensembles perform on par with classical deep ensembles in terms of prediction performance, discrimination, and calibration. In addition, we demonstrate how transformation ensembles quantify both aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty, and produce minimax optimal predictions under certain conditions.
Abstract:The transition to a fully renewable energy grid requires better forecasting of demand at the low-voltage level to increase efficiency and ensure reliable control. However, high fluctuations and increasing electrification cause huge forecast variability, not reflected in traditional point estimates. Probabilistic load forecasts take future uncertainties into account and thus allow more informed decision-making for the planning and operation of low-carbon energy systems. We propose an approach for flexible conditional density forecasting of short-term load based on Bernstein polynomial normalizing flows, where a neural network controls the parameters of the flow. In an empirical study with 363 smart meter customers, our density predictions compare favorably against Gaussian and Gaussian mixture densities. Also, they outperform a non-parametric approach based on the pinball loss for 24h-ahead load forecasting for two different neural network architectures.
Abstract:Variational inference (VI) is a technique to approximate difficult to compute posteriors by optimization. In contrast to MCMC, VI scales to many observations. In the case of complex posteriors, however, state-of-the-art VI approaches often yield unsatisfactory posterior approximations. This paper presents Bernstein flow variational inference (BF-VI), a robust and easy-to-use method, flexible enough to approximate complex multivariate posteriors. BF-VI combines ideas from normalizing flows and Bernstein polynomial-based transformation models. In benchmark experiments, we compare BF-VI solutions with exact posteriors, MCMC solutions, and state-of-the-art VI methods including normalizing flow based VI. We show for low-dimensional models that BF-VI accurately approximates the true posterior; in higher-dimensional models, BF-VI outperforms other VI methods. Further, we develop with BF-VI a Bayesian model for the semi-structured Melanoma challenge data, combining a CNN model part for image data with an interpretable model part for tabular data, and demonstrate for the first time how the use of VI in semi-structured models.
Abstract:The main challenge in Bayesian models is to determine the posterior for the model parameters. Already, in models with only one or few parameters, the analytical posterior can only be determined in special settings. In Bayesian neural networks, variational inference is widely used to approximate difficult-to-compute posteriors by variational distributions. Usually, Gaussians are used as variational distributions (Gaussian-VI) which limits the quality of the approximation due to their limited flexibility. Transformation models on the other hand are flexible enough to fit any distribution. Here we present transformation model-based variational inference (TM-VI) and demonstrate that it allows to accurately approximate complex posteriors in models with one parameter and also works in a mean-field fashion for multi-parameter models like neural networks.
Abstract:Outcomes with a natural order commonly occur in prediction tasks and oftentimes the available input data are a mixture of complex data, like images, and tabular predictors. Although deep Learning (DL) methods have shown outstanding performance on image classification, most models treat ordered outcomes as unordered and lack interpretability. In contrast, classical ordinal regression models yield interpretable predictor effects but are limited to tabular input data. Here, we present the highly modular class of ordinal neural network transformation models (ONTRAMs). Transformation models use a parametric transformation function and a simple distribution to trade off flexibility and interpretability of individual model components. In ONTRAMs, this trade-off is achieved by additively decomposing the transformation function into terms for the tabular and image data using a set of jointly trained neural networks. We show that the most flexible ONTRAMs achieve on-par performance with DL classifiers while outperforming them in training speed. We discuss how to interpret components of ONTRAMs in general and in the case of correlated tabular and image data. Taken together, ONTRAMs join benefits of DL and distributional regression to create interpretable prediction models for ordinal outcomes.
Abstract:At present, the majority of the proposed Deep Learning (DL) methods provide point predictions without quantifying the models uncertainty. However, a quantification of the reliability of automated image analysis is essential, in particular in medicine when physicians rely on the results for making critical treatment decisions. In this work, we provide an entire framework to diagnose ischemic stroke patients incorporating Bayesian uncertainty into the analysis procedure. We present a Bayesian Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) yielding a probability for a stroke lesion on 2D Magnetic Resonance (MR) images with corresponding uncertainty information about the reliability of the prediction. For patient-level diagnoses, different aggregation methods are proposed and evaluated, which combine the single image-level predictions. Those methods take advantage of the uncertainty in image predictions and report model uncertainty at the patient-level. In a cohort of 511 patients, our Bayesian CNN achieved an accuracy of 95.33% at the image-level representing a significant improvement of 2% over a non-Bayesian counterpart. The best patient aggregation method yielded 95.89% of accuracy. Integrating uncertainty information about image predictions in aggregation models resulted in higher uncertainty measures to false patient classifications, which enabled to filter critical patient diagnoses that are supposed to be closer examined by a medical doctor. We therefore recommend using Bayesian approaches not only for improved image-level prediction and uncertainty estimation but also for the detection of uncertain aggregations at the patient-level.
Abstract:Deep neural networks (DNNs) are known for their high prediction performance, especially in perceptual tasks such as object recognition or autonomous driving. Still, DNNs are prone to yield unreliable predictions when encountering completely new situations without indicating their uncertainty. Bayesian variants of DNNs (BDNNs), such as MC dropout BDNNs, do provide uncertainty measures. However, BDNNs are slow during test time because they rely on a sampling approach. Here we present a single shot MC dropout approximation that preserves the advantages of BDNNs without being slower than a DNN. Our approach is to analytically approximate for each layer in a fully connected network the expected value and the variance of the MC dropout signal. We evaluate our approach on different benchmark datasets and a simulated toy example. We demonstrate that our single shot MC dropout approximation resembles the point estimate and the uncertainty estimate of the predictive distribution that is achieved with an MC approach, while being fast enough for real-time deployments of BDNNs.
Abstract:We present a deep transformation model for probabilistic regression. Deep learning is known for outstandingly accurate predictions on complex data but in regression tasks, it is predominantly used to just predict a single number. This ignores the non-deterministic character of most tasks. Especially if crucial decisions are based on the predictions, like in medical applications, it is essential to quantify the prediction uncertainty. The presented deep learning transformation model estimates the whole conditional probability distribution, which is the most thorough way to capture uncertainty about the outcome. We combine ideas from a statistical transformation model (most likely transformation) with recent transformation models from deep learning (normalizing flows) to predict complex outcome distributions. The core of the method is a parameterized transformation function which can be trained with the usual maximum likelihood framework using gradient descent. The method can be combined with existing deep learning architectures. For small machine learning benchmark datasets, we report state of the art performance for most dataset and partly even outperform it. Our method works for complex input data, which we demonstrate by employing a CNN architecture on image data.