Abstract:Most works on gender bias focus on intrinsic bias -- removing traces of information about a protected group from the model's internal representation. However, these works are often disconnected from the impact of such debiasing on downstream applications, which is the main motivation for debiasing in the first place. In this work, we systematically test how methods for intrinsic debiasing affect neural machine translation models, by measuring the extrinsic bias of such systems under different design choices. We highlight three challenges and mismatches between the debiasing techniques and their end-goal usage, including the choice of embeddings to debias, the mismatch between words and sub-word tokens debiasing, and the effect on different target languages. We find that these considerations have a significant impact on downstream performance and the success of debiasing.
Abstract:We study the effect of tokenization on gender bias in machine translation, an aspect that has been largely overlooked in previous works. Specifically, we focus on the interactions between the frequency of gendered profession names in training data, their representation in the subword tokenizer's vocabulary, and gender bias. We observe that female and non-stereotypical gender inflections of profession names (e.g., Spanish "doctora" for "female doctor") tend to be split into multiple subword tokens. Our results indicate that the imbalance of gender forms in the model's training corpus is a major factor contributing to gender bias and has a greater impact than subword splitting. We show that analyzing subword splits provides good estimates of gender-form imbalance in the training data and can be used even when the corpus is not publicly available. We also demonstrate that fine-tuning just the token embedding layer can decrease the gap in gender prediction accuracy between female and male forms without impairing the translation quality.