Abstract:Weight sharing is a fundamental concept in neural architecture search (NAS), enabling gradient-based methods to explore cell-based architecture spaces significantly faster than traditional blackbox approaches. In parallel, weight \emph{entanglement} has emerged as a technique for intricate parameter sharing among architectures within macro-level search spaces. %However, the macro structure of such spaces poses compatibility challenges for gradient-based NAS methods. %As a result, blackbox optimization methods have been commonly employed, particularly in conjunction with supernet training, to maintain search efficiency. %Due to the inherent differences in the structure of these search spaces, these Since weight-entanglement poses compatibility challenges for gradient-based NAS methods, these two paradigms have largely developed independently in parallel sub-communities. This paper aims to bridge the gap between these sub-communities by proposing a novel scheme to adapt gradient-based methods for weight-entangled spaces. This enables us to conduct an in-depth comparative assessment and analysis of the performance of gradient-based NAS in weight-entangled search spaces. Our findings reveal that this integration of weight-entanglement and gradient-based NAS brings forth the various benefits of gradient-based methods (enhanced performance, improved supernet training properties and superior any-time performance), while preserving the memory efficiency of weight-entangled spaces. The code for our work is openly accessible \href{https://anonymous.4open.science/r/TangleNAS-527C}{here}
Abstract:Zero-cost proxies (ZC proxies) are a recent architecture performance prediction technique aiming to significantly speed up algorithms for neural architecture search (NAS). Recent work has shown that these techniques show great promise, but certain aspects, such as evaluating and exploiting their complementary strengths, are under-studied. In this work, we create NAS-Bench-Suite: we evaluate 13 ZC proxies across 28 tasks, creating by far the largest dataset (and unified codebase) for ZC proxies, enabling orders-of-magnitude faster experiments on ZC proxies, while avoiding confounding factors stemming from different implementations. To demonstrate the usefulness of NAS-Bench-Suite, we run a large-scale analysis of ZC proxies, including a bias analysis, and the first information-theoretic analysis which concludes that ZC proxies capture substantial complementary information. Motivated by these findings, we present a procedure to improve the performance of ZC proxies by reducing biases such as cell size, and we also show that incorporating all 13 ZC proxies into the surrogate models used by NAS algorithms can improve their predictive performance by up to 42%. Our code and datasets are available at https://github.com/automl/naslib/tree/zerocost.
Abstract:The release of tabular benchmarks, such as NAS-Bench-101 and NAS-Bench-201, has significantly lowered the computational overhead for conducting scientific research in neural architecture search (NAS). Although they have been widely adopted and used to tune real-world NAS algorithms, these benchmarks are limited to small search spaces and focus solely on image classification. Recently, several new NAS benchmarks have been introduced that cover significantly larger search spaces over a wide range of tasks, including object detection, speech recognition, and natural language processing. However, substantial differences among these NAS benchmarks have so far prevented their widespread adoption, limiting researchers to using just a few benchmarks. In this work, we present an in-depth analysis of popular NAS algorithms and performance prediction methods across 25 different combinations of search spaces and datasets, finding that many conclusions drawn from a few NAS benchmarks do not generalize to other benchmarks. To help remedy this problem, we introduce NAS-Bench-Suite, a comprehensive and extensible collection of NAS benchmarks, accessible through a unified interface, created with the aim to facilitate reproducible, generalizable, and rapid NAS research. Our code is available at https://github.com/automl/naslib.