Abstract:Image segmentation is a vital task for providing human assistance and enhancing autonomy in our daily lives. In particular, RGB-D segmentation-leveraging both visual and depth cues-has attracted increasing attention as it promises richer scene understanding than RGB-only methods. However, most existing efforts have primarily focused on semantic segmentation and thus leave a critical gap. There is a relative scarcity of instance-level RGB-D segmentation datasets, which restricts current methods to broad category distinctions rather than fully capturing the fine-grained details required for recognizing individual objects. To bridge this gap, we introduce three RGB-D instance segmentation benchmarks, distinguished at the instance level. These datasets are versatile, supporting a wide range of applications from indoor navigation to robotic manipulation. In addition, we present an extensive evaluation of various baseline models on these benchmarks. This comprehensive analysis identifies both their strengths and shortcomings, guiding future work toward more robust, generalizable solutions. Finally, we propose a simple yet effective method for RGB-D data integration. Extensive evaluations affirm the effectiveness of our approach, offering a robust framework for advancing toward more nuanced scene understanding.
Abstract:Traditional model merging methods for multi-task learning (MTL) address task conflicts with straightforward strategies such as weight averaging, sign consensus, or minimal test-time adjustments. This presumably counts on the assumption that a merged encoder still retains abundant task knowledge from individual encoders, implying that its shared representation is sufficiently general across tasks. However, our insight is that adding just a single trainable task-specific layer further can bring striking performance gains, as demonstrated by our pilot study. Motivated by this finding, we propose Model Tinting, a new test-time approach that introduces a single task-specific layer for each task as trainable adjustments. Our method jointly trains merging coefficients and task-specific layers, which effectively reduces task conflicts with minimal additional costs. Additionally, we propose a sampling method that utilizes the difference in confidence levels of both merged and individual encoders. Extensive experiments demonstrate our method's effectiveness, which achieves state-of-the-art performance across both computer vision and natural language processing tasks and significantly surpasses prior works. Our code is available at https://github.com/AIM-SKKU/ModelTinting.