Fine-tuning significantly improves the performance of Large Language Models (LLMs), yet its underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood. This paper aims to provide an in-depth interpretation of the fine-tuning process through circuit analysis, a popular tool in Mechanistic Interpretability (MI). Unlike previous studies \cite{prakash2024finetuningenhancesexistingmechanisms,chhabra2024neuroplasticity} that focus on tasks where pre-trained models already perform well, we develop a set of mathematical tasks where fine-tuning yields substantial performance gains, which are closer to the practical setting. In our experiments, we identify circuits at various checkpoints during fine-tuning and examine the interplay between circuit analysis, fine-tuning methods, and task complexities. First, we find that while circuits maintain high node similarity before and after fine-tuning, their edges undergo significant changes, which is in contrast to the previous work \cite{prakash2024finetuningenhancesexistingmechanisms,chhabra2024neuroplasticity} that show circuits only add some additional components after fine-tuning. Based on these observations, we develop a circuit-aware Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) method, which assigns ranks to layers based on edge changes in the circuits. Experimental results demonstrate that our circuit-based LoRA algorithm achieves an average performance improvement of 2.46\% over standard LoRA with similar parameter sizes. Furthermore, we explore how combining circuits from subtasks can enhance fine-tuning in compositional tasks, providing new insights into the design of such tasks and deepening the understanding of circuit dynamics and fine-tuning mechanisms.