This paper describes the problem of coordination of an autonomous Multi-Agent System which aims to solve the coverage planning problem in a complex environment. The considered applications are the detection and identification of objects of interest while covering an area. These tasks, which are highly relevant for space applications, are also of interest among various domains including the underwater context, which is the focus of this study. In this context, coverage planning is traditionally modelled as a Markov Decision Process where a coordinated MAS, a swarm of heterogeneous autonomous underwater vehicles, is required to survey an area and search for objects. This MDP is associated with several challenges: environment uncertainties, communication constraints, and an ensemble of hazards, including time-varying and unpredictable changes in the underwater environment. MARL algorithms can solve highly non-linear problems using deep neural networks and display great scalability against an increased number of agents. Nevertheless, most of the current results in the underwater domain are limited to simulation due to the high learning time of MARL algorithms. For this reason, a novel strategy is introduced to accelerate this convergence rate by incorporating biologically inspired heuristics to guide the policy during training. The PSO method, which is inspired by the behaviour of a group of animals, is selected as a heuristic. It allows the policy to explore the highest quality regions of the action and state spaces, from the beginning of the training, optimizing the exploration/exploitation trade-off. The resulting agent requires fewer interactions to reach optimal performance. The method is applied to the MSAC algorithm and evaluated for a 2D covering area mission in a continuous control environment.