To obtain suitable feature distribution is a difficult task in machine learning, especially for unsupervised learning. In this paper, we propose a novel self-learning local supervision encoding framework based on RBMs, in which the self-learning local supervisions from visible layer are integrated into the contrastive divergence (CD) learning of RBMs to constrict and disperse the distribution of the hidden layer features for clustering tasks. In the framework, we use sigmoid transformation to obtain hidden layer and reconstructed hidden layer features from visible layer and reconstructed visible layer units during sampling procedure. The self-learning local supervisions contain local credible clusters which stem from different unsupervised learning and unanimous voting strategy. They are fused into hidden layer features and reconstructed hidden layer features. For the same local clusters, the hidden features and reconstructed hidden layer features of the framework tend to constrict together. Furthermore, the hidden layer features of different local clusters tend to disperse in the encoding process. Under such framework, we present two instantiation models with the reconstruction of two different visible layers. One is self-learning local supervision GRBM (slsGRBM) model with Gaussian linear visible units and binary hidden units using linear transformation for visible layer reconstruction. The other is self-learning local supervision RBM (slsRBM) model with binary visible and hidden units using sigmoid transformation for visible layer reconstruction.