In this paper, we propose a distributed algorithm for stochastic smooth, non-convex optimization. We assume a worker-server architecture where $N$ nodes, each having $n$ (potentially infinite) number of samples, collaborate with the help of a central server to perform the optimization task. The global objective is to minimize the average of local cost functions available at individual nodes. The proposed approach is a non-trivial extension of the popular parallel-restarted SGD algorithm, incorporating the optimal variance-reduction based SPIDER gradient estimator into it. We prove convergence of our algorithm to a first-order stationary solution. The proposed approach achieves the best known communication complexity $O(\epsilon^{-1})$ along with the optimal computation complexity. For finite-sum problems (finite $n$), we achieve the optimal computation (IFO) complexity $O(\sqrt{Nn}\epsilon^{-1})$. For online problems ($n$ unknown or infinite), we achieve the optimal IFO complexity $O(\epsilon^{-3/2})$. In both the cases, we maintain the linear speedup achieved by existing methods. This is a massive improvement over the $O(\epsilon^{-2})$ IFO complexity of the existing approaches. Additionally, our algorithm is general enough to allow non-identical distributions of data across workers, as in the recently proposed federated learning paradigm.