Recent advances have substantially improved the accuracy, memory cost, and training speed of differentially private (DP) deep learning, especially on large vision and language models with millions to billions of parameters. In this work, we thoroughly study the per-sample gradient clipping style, a key component in DP optimization. We show that different clipping styles have the same time complexity but instantiate an accuracy-memory trade-off: while the all-layer clipping (of coarse granularity) is the most prevalent and usually gives the best accuracy, it incurs heavier memory cost compared to other group-wise clipping, such as the layer-wise clipping (of finer granularity). We formalize this trade-off through our convergence theory and complexity analysis. Importantly, we demonstrate that the accuracy gap between group-wise clipping and all-layer clipping becomes smaller for larger models, while the memory advantage of the group-wise clipping remains. Consequently, the group-wise clipping allows DP optimization of large models to achieve high accuracy and low peak memory simultaneously.