In the realm of time series forecasting (TSF), the Transformer has consistently demonstrated robust performance due to its ability to focus on the global context and effectively capture long-range dependencies within time, as well as discern correlations between multiple variables. However, due to the inefficiencies of the Transformer model and questions surrounding its ability to capture dependencies, ongoing efforts to refine the Transformer architecture persist. Recently, state space models (SSMs), e.g. Mamba, have gained traction due to their ability to capture complex dependencies in sequences, similar to the Transformer, while maintaining near-linear complexity. In text and image tasks, Mamba-based models can improve performance and cost savings, creating a win-win situation. This has piqued our interest in exploring SSM's potential in TSF tasks. In this paper, we introduce two straightforward SSM-based models for TSF, S-Mamba and D-Mamba, both employing the Mamba Block to extract variate correlations. Remarkably, S-Mamba and D-Mamba achieve superior performance while saving GPU memory and training time. Furthermore, we conduct extensive experiments to delve deeper into the potential of Mamba compared to the Transformer in the TSF, aiming to explore a new research direction for this field. Our code is available at