Despite the success of Knowledge Distillation (KD) on image classification, it is still challenging to apply KD on object detection due to the difficulty in locating knowledge. In this paper, we propose an instance-conditional distillation framework to find desired knowledge. To locate knowledge of each instance, we use observed instances as condition information and formulate the retrieval process as an instance-conditional decoding process. Specifically, information of each instance that specifies a condition is encoded as query, and teacher's information is presented as key, we use the attention between query and key to measure the correlation, formulated by the transformer decoder. To guide this module, we further introduce an auxiliary task that directs to instance localization and identification, which are fundamental for detection. Extensive experiments demonstrate the efficacy of our method: we observe impressive improvements under various settings. Notably, we boost RetinaNet with ResNet-50 backbone from 37.4 to 40.7 mAP (+3.3) under 1x schedule, that even surpasses the teacher (40.4 mAP) with ResNet-101 backbone under 3x schedule. Code will be released soon.