Unsupervised video object segmentation (UVOS) aims at automatically separating the primary foreground object(s) from the background in a video sequence. Existing UVOS methods either lack robustness when there are visually similar surroundings (appearance-based) or suffer from deterioration in the quality of their predictions because of dynamic background and inaccurate flow (flow-based). To overcome the limitations, we propose an implicit motion-compensated network (IMCNet) combining complementary cues ($\textit{i.e.}$, appearance and motion) with aligned motion information from the adjacent frames to the current frame at the feature level without estimating optical flows. The proposed IMCNet consists of an affinity computing module (ACM), an attention propagation module (APM), and a motion compensation module (MCM). The light-weight ACM extracts commonality between neighboring input frames based on appearance features. The APM then transmits global correlation in a top-down manner. Through coarse-to-fine iterative inspiring, the APM will refine object regions from multiple resolutions so as to efficiently avoid losing details. Finally, the MCM aligns motion information from temporally adjacent frames to the current frame which achieves implicit motion compensation at the feature level. We perform extensive experiments on $\textit{DAVIS}_{\textit{16}}$ and $\textit{YouTube-Objects}$. Our network achieves favorable performance while running at a faster speed compared to the state-of-the-art methods.