Electric guitar tone modeling typically focuses on the non-linear transformation from clean to amplifier-rendered audio. Traditional methods rely on one-to-one mappings, incorporating device parameters into neural models to replicate specific amplifiers. However, these methods are limited by the need for specific training data. In this paper, we adapt a model based on the previous work, which leverages a tone embedding encoder and a feature wise linear modulation (FiLM) condition method. In this work, we altered conditioning method using a hypernetwork-based gated convolutional network (GCN) to generate audio that blends clean input with the tone characteristics of reference audio. By extending the training data to cover a wider variety of amplifier tones, our model is able to capture a broader range of tones. Additionally, we developed a real-time plugin to demonstrate the system's practical application, allowing users to experience its performance interactively. Our results indicate that the proposed system achieves superior tone modeling versatility compared to traditional methods.