features.To achieve this alignment, we design a specific contrastive loss, CSP loss, which includes Intra-Class Truncated Attraction (ITA) loss and Inter-Class Adaptive Repulsion (IAR) loss, and outperforms classic N-pair loss and InfoNCE loss. Specifically, ITA loss leverages class prototypes to attract intra-class category-specific content queries while preserving necessary distinctiveness. IAR loss utilizes class prototypes to adaptively repel inter-class category-specific content queries based on the similarity between class prototypes, helping disentangle features of similar categories.CSPCL is general and can be easily integrated into Deformable DETR-based models. Extensive experiments on the PIXray and OPIXray datasets demonstrate that CSPCL significantly enhances the performance of various state-of-the-art models without increasing complexity.The code will be open source once the paper is accepted.
Prohibited item detection based on X-ray images is one of the most effective security inspection methods. However, the foreground-background feature coupling caused by the overlapping phenomenon specific to X-ray images makes general detectors designed for natural images perform poorly. To address this issue, we propose a Category Semantic Prior Contrastive Learning (CSPCL) mechanism, which aligns the class prototypes perceived by the classifier with the content queries to correct and supplement the missing semantic information responsible for classification, thereby enhancing the model sensitivity to foreground