Graph Edit Distance (GED) is a popular similarity measurement for pairwise graphs and it also refers to the recovery of the edit path from the source graph to the target graph. Traditional A* algorithm suffers scalability issues due to its exhaustive nature, whose search heuristics heavily rely on human prior knowledge. This paper presents a hybrid approach by combing the interpretability of traditional search-based techniques for producing the edit path, as well as the efficiency and adaptivity of deep embedding models to achieve a cost-effective GED solver. Inspired by dynamic programming, node-level embedding is designated in a dynamic reuse fashion and suboptimal branches are encouraged to be pruned. To this end, our method can be readily integrated into A* procedure in a dynamic fashion, as well as significantly reduce the computational burden with a learned heuristic. Experimental results on different graph datasets show that our approach can remarkably ease the search process of A* without sacrificing much accuracy. To our best knowledge, this work is also the first deep learning-based GED method for recovering the edit path.