Lightweight neural networks for single-image super-resolution (SISR) tasks have made substantial breakthroughs in recent years. Compared to low-frequency information, high-frequency detail is much more difficult to reconstruct. Most SISR models allocate equal computational resources for low-frequency and high-frequency information, which leads to redundant processing of simple low-frequency information and inadequate recovery of more challenging high-frequency information. We propose a novel High-Frequency Focused Network (HFFN) through High-Frequency Focused Blocks (HFFBs) that selectively enhance high-frequency information while minimizing redundant feature computation of low-frequency information. The HFFB effectively allocates more computational resources to the more challenging reconstruction of high-frequency information. Moreover, we propose a Local Feature Fusion Block (LFFB) effectively fuses features from multiple HFFBs in a local region, utilizing complementary information across layers to enhance feature representativeness and reduce artifacts in reconstructed images. We assess the efficacy of our proposed HFFN on five benchmark datasets and show that it significantly enhances the super-resolution performance of the network. Our experimental results demonstrate state-of-the-art performance in reconstructing high-frequency information while using a low number of parameters.