"Mixed Data" comprising a large number of heterogeneous variables (e.g. count, binary, continuous, skewed continuous, among other data types) are prevalent in varied areas such as genomics and proteomics, imaging genetics, national security, social networking, and Internet advertising. There have been limited efforts at statistically modeling such mixed data jointly, in part because of the lack of computationally amenable multivariate distributions that can capture direct dependencies between such mixed variables of different types. In this paper, we address this by introducing a novel class of Block Directed Markov Random Fields (BDMRFs). Using the basic building block of node-conditional univariate exponential families from Yang et al. (2012), we introduce a class of mixed conditional random field distributions, that are then chained according to a block-directed acyclic graph to form our class of Block Directed Markov Random Fields (BDMRFs). The Markov independence graph structure underlying a BDMRF thus has both directed and undirected edges. We introduce conditions under which these distributions exist and are normalizable, study several instances of our models, and propose scalable penalized conditional likelihood estimators with statistical guarantees for recovering the underlying network structure. Simulations as well as an application to learning mixed genomic networks from next generation sequencing expression data and mutation data demonstrate the versatility of our methods.