Abstract:With the support of Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) technologies, the 3D virtual eyeglasses try-on application is well on its way to becoming a new trending solution that offers a "try on" option to select the perfect pair of eyeglasses at the comfort of your own home. Reconstructing eyeglasses frames from a single image with traditional depth and image-based methods is extremely difficult due to their unique characteristics such as lack of sufficient texture features, thin elements, and severe self-occlusions. In this paper, we propose the first mesh deformation-based reconstruction framework for recovering high-precision 3D full-frame eyeglasses models from a single RGB image, leveraging prior and domain-specific knowledge. Specifically, based on the construction of a synthetic eyeglasses frame dataset, we first define a class-specific eyeglasses frame template with pre-defined keypoints. Then, given an input eyeglasses frame image with thin structure and few texture features, we design a keypoint detector and refiner to detect predefined keypoints in a coarse-to-fine manner to estimate the camera pose accurately. After that, using differentiable rendering, we propose a novel optimization approach for producing correct geometry by progressively performing free-form deformation (FFD) on the template mesh. We define a series of loss functions to enforce consistency between the rendered result and the corresponding RGB input, utilizing constraints from inherent structure, silhouettes, keypoints, per-pixel shading information, and so on. Experimental results on both the synthetic dataset and real images demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
Abstract:Two forms of imbalances are commonly observed in point cloud semantic segmentation datasets: (1) category imbalances, where certain objects are more prevalent than others; and (2) size imbalances, where certain objects occupy more points than others. Because of this, the majority of categories and large objects are favored in the existing evaluation metrics. This paper suggests fine-grained mIoU and mAcc for a more thorough assessment of point cloud segmentation algorithms in order to address these issues. Richer statistical information is provided for models and datasets by these fine-grained metrics, which also lessen the bias of current semantic segmentation metrics towards large objects. The proposed metrics are used to train and assess various semantic segmentation algorithms on three distinct indoor and outdoor semantic segmentation datasets.
Abstract:Existing interactive point cloud segmentation approaches primarily focus on the object segmentation, which aim to determine which points belong to the object of interest guided by user interactions. This paper concentrates on an unexplored yet meaningful task, i.e., interactive point cloud semantic segmentation, which assigns high-quality semantic labels to all points in a scene with user corrective clicks. Concretely, we presents the first interactive framework for point cloud semantic segmentation, named InterPCSeg, which seamlessly integrates with off-the-shelf semantic segmentation networks without offline re-training, enabling it to run in an on-the-fly manner. To achieve online refinement, we treat user interactions as sparse training examples during the test-time. To address the instability caused by the sparse supervision, we design a stabilization energy to regulate the test-time training process. For objective and reproducible evaluation, we develop an interaction simulation scheme tailored for the interactive point cloud semantic segmentation task. We evaluate our framework on the S3DIS and ScanNet datasets with off-the-shelf segmentation networks, incorporating interactions from both the proposed interaction simulator and real users. Quantitative and qualitative experimental results demonstrate the efficacy of our framework in refining the semantic segmentation results with user interactions. The source code will be publicly available.
Abstract:Point cloud downsampling is a crucial pre-processing operation to downsample the points in the point cloud in order to reduce computational cost, and communication load, to name a few. Recent research on point cloud downsampling has achieved great success which concentrates on learning to sample in a task-aware way. However, existing learnable samplers can not perform arbitrary-size sampling directly. Moreover, their sampled results always comprise many overlapping points. In this paper, we introduce the AU-PD, a novel task-aware sampling framework that directly downsamples point cloud to any smaller size based on a sample-to-refine strategy. Given a specified arbitrary size, we first perform task-agnostic pre-sampling to sample the input point cloud. Then, we refine the pre-sampled set to make it task-aware, driven by downstream task losses. The refinement is realized by adding each pre-sampled point with a small offset predicted by point-wise multi-layer perceptrons (MLPs). In this way, the sampled set remains almost unchanged from the original in distribution, and therefore contains fewer overlapping cases. With the attention mechanism and proper training scheme, the framework learns to adaptively refine the pre-sampled set of different sizes. We evaluate sampled results for classification and registration tasks, respectively. The proposed AU-PD gets competitive downstream performance with the state-of-the-art method while being more flexible and containing fewer overlapping points in the sampled set. The source code will be publicly available at https://zhiyongsu.github.io/Project/AUPD.html.
Abstract:Point cloud segmentation with scene-level annotations is a promising but challenging task. Currently, the most popular way is to employ the class activation map (CAM) to locate discriminative regions and then generate point-level pseudo labels from scene-level annotations. However, these methods always suffer from the point imbalance among categories, as well as the sparse and incomplete supervision from CAM. In this paper, we propose a novel weighted hypergraph convolutional network-based method, called WHCN, to confront the challenges of learning point-wise labels from scene-level annotations. Firstly, in order to simultaneously overcome the point imbalance among different categories and reduce the model complexity, superpoints of a training point cloud are generated by exploiting the geometrically homogeneous partition. Then, a hypergraph is constructed based on the high-confidence superpoint-level seeds which are converted from scene-level annotations. Secondly, the WHCN takes the hypergraph as input and learns to predict high-precision point-level pseudo labels by label propagation. Besides the backbone network consisting of spectral hypergraph convolution blocks, a hyperedge attention module is learned to adjust the weights of hyperedges in the WHCN. Finally, a segmentation network is trained by these pseudo point cloud labels. We comprehensively conduct experiments on the ScanNet and S3DIS segmentation datasets. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed WHCN is effective to predict the point labels with scene annotations, and yields state-of-the-art results in the community. The source code is available at http://zhiyongsu.github.io/Project/WHCN.html.
Abstract:To deal with the exhausting annotations, self-supervised representation learning from unlabeled point clouds has drawn much attention, especially centered on augmentation-based contrastive methods. However, specific augmentations hardly produce sufficient transferability to high-level tasks on different datasets. Besides, augmentations on point clouds may also change underlying semantics. To address the issues, we propose a simple but efficient augmentation fusion contrastive learning framework to combine data augmentations in Euclidean space and feature augmentations in feature space. In particular, we propose a data augmentation method based on sampling and graph generation. Meanwhile, we design a data augmentation network to enable a correspondence of representations by maximizing consistency between augmented graph pairs. We further design a feature augmentation network that encourages the model to learn representations invariant to the perturbations using an encoder perturbation. We comprehensively conduct extensive object classification experiments and object part segmentation experiments to validate the transferability of the proposed framework. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed framework is effective to learn the point cloud representation in a self-supervised manner, and yields state-of-the-art results in the community. The source code is publicly available at: https://zhiyongsu.github.io/Project/AFSRL.html.