Abstract:Chaos Engineering (CE) is an engineering technique aimed at improving the resiliency of distributed systems. It involves artificially injecting specific failures into a distributed system and observing its behavior in response. Based on the observation, the system can be proactively improved to handle those failures. Recent CE tools realize the automated execution of predefined CE experiments. However, defining these experiments and reconfiguring the system after the experiments still remain manual. To reduce the costs of the manual operations, we propose \textsc{ChaosEater}, a \textit{system} for automating the entire CE operations with Large Language Models (LLMs). It pre-defines the general flow according to the systematic CE cycle and assigns subdivided operations within the flow to LLMs. We assume systems based on Infrastructure as Code (IaC), wherein the system configurations and artificial failures are managed through code. Hence, the LLMs' operations in our \textit{system} correspond to software engineering tasks, including requirement definition, code generation and debugging, and testing. We validate our \textit{system} through case studies on both small and large systems. The results demonstrate that our \textit{system} significantly reduces both time and monetary costs while completing reasonable single CE cycles.
Abstract:As a telecom provider, our company has a critical mission to maintain telecom services even during power outages. To accomplish the mission, it is essential to maintain the power of the telecom base stations. Here we consider a solution where electric vehicles (EVs) directly supply power to base stations by traveling to their locations. The goal is to find EV routes that minimize both the total travel distance of all EVs and the number of downed base stations. In this paper, we formulate this routing problem as a new variant of the Electric Vehicle Routing Problem (EVRP) and propose a solver that combines a rule-based vehicle selector and a reinforcement learning (RL)-based node selector. The rule of the vehicle selector ensures the exact environmental states when the selected EV starts to move. In addition, the node selection by the RL model enables fast route generation, which is critical in emergencies. We evaluate our solver on both synthetic datasets and real datasets. The results show that our solver outperforms baselines in terms of the objective value and computation time. Moreover, we analyze the generalization and scalability of our solver, demonstrating the capability toward unseen settings and large-scale problems. Check also our project page: https://ntt-dkiku.github.io/rl-evrpeps.
Abstract:The Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) is a widely studied combinatorial optimization problem and has been applied to various practical problems. While the explainability for VRP is significant for improving the reliability and interactivity in practical VRP applications, it remains unexplored. In this paper, we propose RouteExplainer, a post-hoc explanation framework that explains the influence of each edge in a generated route. Our framework realizes this by rethinking a route as the sequence of actions and extending counterfactual explanations based on the action influence model to VRP. To enhance the explanation, we additionally propose an edge classifier that infers the intentions of each edge, a loss function to train the edge classifier, and explanation-text generation by Large Language Models (LLMs). We quantitatively evaluate our edge classifier on four different VRPs. The results demonstrate its rapid computation while maintaining reasonable accuracy, thereby highlighting its potential for deployment in practical applications. Moreover, on the subject of a tourist route, we qualitatively evaluate explanations generated by our framework. This evaluation not only validates our framework but also shows the synergy between explanation frameworks and LLMs. See https://ntt-dkiku.github.io/xai-vrp for our code, datasets, models, and demo.
Abstract:Health monitoring is important for maintaining reliable information and communications technology (ICT) systems. Anomaly detection methods based on machine learning, which train a model for describing "normality" are promising for monitoring the state of ICT systems. However, these methods cannot be used when the type of monitored log data changes from that of training data due to the replacement of certain equipment. Therefore, such methods may dismiss an anomaly that appears when log data changes. To solve this problem, we propose an ICT-systems-monitoring method with deep learning models divided based on the correlation of log data. We also propose an algorithm for extracting the correlations of log data from a deep learning model and separating log data based on the correlation. When some of the log data changes, our method can continue health monitoring with the divided models which are not affected by changes in the log data. We present the results from experiments involving benchmark data and real log data, which indicate that our method using divided models does not decrease anomaly detection accuracy and a model for anomaly detection can be divided to continue monitoring a network state even if some the log data change.
Abstract:Automated anomaly detection is essential for managing information and communications technology (ICT) systems to maintain reliable services with minimum burden on operators. For detecting varying and continually emerging anomalies as differences from normal states, learning normal relationships inherent among cross-domain data monitored from ICT systems is essential. Deep-learning-based anomaly detection using an autoencoder (AE) is therefore promising for such complicated learning; however, its interpretation is still problematic. Since the dimensions of the input data contributing to the detected anomaly are not directly indicated in an AE, they are not suitable for localizing anomalies in large ICT systems composed of a huge amount of equipment. We propose an algorithm using sparse optimization for estimating contributing dimensions to anomalies detected with AEs. We also propose a multimodal AE (MAE) for effectively learning the relationships among cross-domain data, which can induce nonlinearity and differences in learnability among data types. We evaluated our algorithms with several datasets including real measured data in comparison with conventional algorithms and confirmed the superiority of our estimation algorithm in specifying contributing dimensions of anomalous data and our MAE in detecting anomalies in cross-domain data.
Abstract:Anomaly detection using dimensionality reduction has been an essential technique for monitoring multidimensional data. Although deep learning-based methods have been well studied for their remarkable detection performance, their interpretability is still a problem. In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm for estimating the dimensions contributing to the detected anomalies by using variational autoencoders (VAEs). Our algorithm is based on an approximative probabilistic model that considers the existence of anomalies in the data, and by maximizing the log-likelihood, we estimate which dimensions contribute to determining data as an anomaly. The experiments results with benchmark datasets show that our algorithm extracts the contributing dimensions more accurately than baseline methods.