Picture for Yutaka Nakamura

Yutaka Nakamura

Investigating the impact of free energy based behavior on human in human-agent interaction

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Jan 25, 2022
Viaarxiv icon

Intrinsically motivated reinforcement learning for human-robot interaction in the real-world

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Apr 14, 2018
Figure 1 for Intrinsically motivated reinforcement learning for human-robot interaction in the real-world
Figure 2 for Intrinsically motivated reinforcement learning for human-robot interaction in the real-world
Figure 3 for Intrinsically motivated reinforcement learning for human-robot interaction in the real-world
Figure 4 for Intrinsically motivated reinforcement learning for human-robot interaction in the real-world
Viaarxiv icon

Show, Attend and Interact: Perceivable Human-Robot Social Interaction through Neural Attention Q-Network

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Feb 28, 2017
Figure 1 for Show, Attend and Interact: Perceivable Human-Robot Social Interaction through Neural Attention Q-Network
Figure 2 for Show, Attend and Interact: Perceivable Human-Robot Social Interaction through Neural Attention Q-Network
Figure 3 for Show, Attend and Interact: Perceivable Human-Robot Social Interaction through Neural Attention Q-Network
Figure 4 for Show, Attend and Interact: Perceivable Human-Robot Social Interaction through Neural Attention Q-Network
Viaarxiv icon

Robot gains Social Intelligence through Multimodal Deep Reinforcement Learning

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Feb 24, 2017
Figure 1 for Robot gains Social Intelligence through Multimodal Deep Reinforcement Learning
Figure 2 for Robot gains Social Intelligence through Multimodal Deep Reinforcement Learning
Figure 3 for Robot gains Social Intelligence through Multimodal Deep Reinforcement Learning
Figure 4 for Robot gains Social Intelligence through Multimodal Deep Reinforcement Learning
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