Abstract:Multi-agent robust reinforcement learning, also known as multi-player robust Markov games (RMGs), is a crucial framework for modeling competitive interactions under environmental uncertainties, with wide applications in multi-agent systems. However, existing results on sample complexity in RMGs suffer from at least one of three obstacles: restrictive range of uncertainty level or accuracy, the curse of multiple agents, and the barrier of long horizons, all of which cause existing results to significantly exceed the information-theoretic lower bound. To close this gap, we extend the Q-FTRL algorithm \citep{li2022minimax} to the RMGs in finite-horizon setting, assuming access to a generative model. We prove that the proposed algorithm achieves an $\varepsilon$-robust coarse correlated equilibrium (CCE) with a sample complexity (up to log factors) of $\widetilde{O}\left(H^3S\sum_{i=1}^mA_i\min\left\{H,1/R\right\}/\varepsilon^2\right)$, where $S$ denotes the number of states, $A_i$ is the number of actions of the $i$-th agent, $H$ is the finite horizon length, and $R$ is uncertainty level. We also show that this sample compelxity is minimax optimal by combining an information-theoretic lower bound. Additionally, in the special case of two-player zero-sum RMGs, the algorithm achieves an $\varepsilon$-robust Nash equilibrium (NE) with the same sample complexity.
Abstract:Score-based diffusion models have achieved remarkable empirical performance in the field of machine learning and artificial intelligence for their ability to generate high-quality new data instances from complex distributions. Improving our understanding of diffusion models, including mainly convergence analysis for such models, has attracted a lot of interests. Despite a lot of theoretical attempts, there still exists significant gap between theory and practice. Towards to close this gap, we establish an iteration complexity at the order of $d^{1/3}\varepsilon^{-2/3}$, which is better than $d^{5/12}\varepsilon^{-1}$, the best known complexity achieved before our work. This convergence analysis is based on a randomized midpoint method, which is first proposed for log-concave sampling (Shen and Lee, 2019), and then extended to diffusion models by Gupta et al. (2024). Our theory accommodates $\varepsilon$-accurate score estimates, and does not require log-concavity on the target distribution. Moreover, the algorithm can also be parallelized to run in only $O(\log^2(d/\varepsilon))$ parallel rounds in a similar way to prior works.
Abstract:Union of Subspaces (UoS) is a popular model to describe the underlying low-dimensional structure of data. The fine details of UoS structure can be described in terms of canonical angles (also known as principal angles) between subspaces, which is a well-known characterization for relative subspace positions. In this paper, we prove that random projection with the so-called Johnson-Lindenstrauss (JL) property approximately preserves canonical angles between subspaces with overwhelming probability. This result indicates that random projection approximately preserves the UoS structure. Inspired by this result, we propose a framework of Compressed Subspace Learning (CSL), which enables to extract useful information from the UoS structure of data in a greatly reduced dimension. We demonstrate the effectiveness of CSL in various subspace-related tasks such as subspace visualization, active subspace detection, and subspace clustering.
Abstract:Phase retrieval has been an attractive but difficult problem rising from physical science, and there has been a gap between state-of-the-art theoretical convergence analyses and the corresponding efficient retrieval methods. Firstly, these analyses all assume that the sensing vectors and the iterative updates are independent, which only fits the ideal model with infinite measurements but not the reality, where data are limited and have to be reused. Secondly, the empirical results of some efficient methods, such as the randomized Kaczmarz method, show linear convergence, which is beyond existing theoretical explanations considering its randomness and reuse of data. In this work, we study for the first time, without the independence assumption, the convergence behavior of the randomized Kaczmarz method for phase retrieval. Specifically, beginning from taking expectation of the squared estimation error with respect to the index of measurement by fixing the sensing vector and the error in the previous step, we discard the independence assumption, rigorously derive the upper and lower bounds of the reduction of the mean squared error, and prove the linear convergence. This work fills the gap between a fast converging algorithm and its theoretical understanding. The proposed methodology may contribute to the study of other iterative algorithms for phase retrieval and other problems in the broad area of signal processing and machine learning.