Abstract:$k$-Clustering in $\mathbb{R}^d$ (e.g., $k$-median and $k$-means) is a fundamental machine learning problem. While near-linear time approximation algorithms were known in the classical setting for a dataset with cardinality $n$, it remains open to find sublinear-time quantum algorithms. We give quantum algorithms that find coresets for $k$-clustering in $\mathbb{R}^d$ with $\tilde{O}(\sqrt{nk}d^{3/2})$ query complexity. Our coreset reduces the input size from $n$ to $\mathrm{poly}(k\epsilon^{-1}d)$, so that existing $\alpha$-approximation algorithms for clustering can run on top of it and yield $(1 + \epsilon)\alpha$-approximation. This eventually yields a quadratic speedup for various $k$-clustering approximation algorithms. We complement our algorithm with a nearly matching lower bound, that any quantum algorithm must make $\Omega(\sqrt{nk})$ queries in order to achieve even $O(1)$-approximation for $k$-clustering.
Abstract:While quantum reinforcement learning (RL) has attracted a surge of attention recently, its theoretical understanding is limited. In particular, it remains elusive how to design provably efficient quantum RL algorithms that can address the exploration-exploitation trade-off. To this end, we propose a novel UCRL-style algorithm that takes advantage of quantum computing for tabular Markov decision processes (MDPs) with $S$ states, $A$ actions, and horizon $H$, and establish an $\mathcal{O}(\mathrm{poly}(S, A, H, \log T))$ worst-case regret for it, where $T$ is the number of episodes. Furthermore, we extend our results to quantum RL with linear function approximation, which is capable of handling problems with large state spaces. Specifically, we develop a quantum algorithm based on value target regression (VTR) for linear mixture MDPs with $d$-dimensional linear representation and prove that it enjoys $\mathcal{O}(\mathrm{poly}(d, H, \log T))$ regret. Our algorithms are variants of UCRL/UCRL-VTR algorithms in classical RL, which also leverage a novel combination of lazy updating mechanisms and quantum estimation subroutines. This is the key to breaking the $\Omega(\sqrt{T})$-regret barrier in classical RL. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work studying the online exploration in quantum RL with provable logarithmic worst-case regret.