Abstract:Modern recommender systems aim to deeply understand users' complex preferences through their past interactions. While deep collaborative filtering approaches using Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) excel at capturing user-item relationships, their effectiveness is limited when handling sparse data or zero-shot scenarios, primarily due to constraints in ID-based embedding functions. To address these challenges, we propose a model-agnostic recommendation instruction-tuning paradigm that seamlessly integrates large language models with collaborative filtering. Our proposed Recommendation Language Model (RecLM) enhances the capture of user preference diversity through a carefully designed reinforcement learning reward function that facilitates self-augmentation of language models. Comprehensive evaluations demonstrate significant advantages of our approach across various settings, and its plug-and-play compatibility with state-of-the-art recommender systems results in notable performance enhancements.
Abstract:The rise of online multi-modal sharing platforms like TikTok and YouTube has enabled personalized recommender systems to incorporate multiple modalities (such as visual, textual, and acoustic) into user representations. However, addressing the challenge of data sparsity in these systems remains a key issue. To address this limitation, recent research has introduced self-supervised learning techniques to enhance recommender systems. However, these methods often rely on simplistic random augmentation or intuitive cross-view information, which can introduce irrelevant noise and fail to accurately align the multi-modal context with user-item interaction modeling. To fill this research gap, we propose a novel multi-modal graph diffusion model for recommendation called DiffMM. Our framework integrates a modality-aware graph diffusion model with a cross-modal contrastive learning paradigm to improve modality-aware user representation learning. This integration facilitates better alignment between multi-modal feature information and collaborative relation modeling. Our approach leverages diffusion models' generative capabilities to automatically generate a user-item graph that is aware of different modalities, facilitating the incorporation of useful multi-modal knowledge in modeling user-item interactions. We conduct extensive experiments on three public datasets, consistently demonstrating the superiority of our DiffMM over various competitive baselines. For open-sourced model implementation details, you can access the source codes of our proposed framework at: https://github.com/HKUDS/DiffMM .
Abstract:Multimedia online platforms (e.g., Amazon, TikTok) have greatly benefited from the incorporation of multimedia (e.g., visual, textual, and acoustic) content into their personal recommender systems. These modalities provide intuitive semantics that facilitate modality-aware user preference modeling. However, two key challenges in multi-modal recommenders remain unresolved: i) The introduction of multi-modal encoders with a large number of additional parameters causes overfitting, given high-dimensional multi-modal features provided by extractors (e.g., ViT, BERT). ii) Side information inevitably introduces inaccuracies and redundancies, which skew the modality-interaction dependency from reflecting true user preference. To tackle these problems, we propose to simplify and empower recommenders through Multi-modal Knowledge Distillation (PromptMM) with the prompt-tuning that enables adaptive quality distillation. Specifically, PromptMM conducts model compression through distilling u-i edge relationship and multi-modal node content from cumbersome teachers to relieve students from the additional feature reduction parameters. To bridge the semantic gap between multi-modal context and collaborative signals for empowering the overfitting teacher, soft prompt-tuning is introduced to perform student task-adaptive. Additionally, to adjust the impact of inaccuracies in multimedia data, a disentangled multi-modal list-wise distillation is developed with modality-aware re-weighting mechanism. Experiments on real-world data demonstrate PromptMM's superiority over existing techniques. Ablation tests confirm the effectiveness of key components. Additional tests show the efficiency and effectiveness.
Abstract:Knowledge Graphs (KGs) have emerged as invaluable resources for enriching recommendation systems by providing a wealth of factual information and capturing semantic relationships among items. Leveraging KGs can significantly enhance recommendation performance. However, not all relations within a KG are equally relevant or beneficial for the target recommendation task. In fact, certain item-entity connections may introduce noise or lack informative value, thus potentially misleading our understanding of user preferences. To bridge this research gap, we propose a novel knowledge graph diffusion model for recommendation, referred to as DiffKG. Our framework integrates a generative diffusion model with a data augmentation paradigm, enabling robust knowledge graph representation learning. This integration facilitates a better alignment between knowledge-aware item semantics and collaborative relation modeling. Moreover, we introduce a collaborative knowledge graph convolution mechanism that incorporates collaborative signals reflecting user-item interaction patterns, guiding the knowledge graph diffusion process. We conduct extensive experiments on three publicly available datasets, consistently demonstrating the superiority of our DiffKG compared to various competitive baselines. We provide the source code repository of our proposed DiffKG model at the following link: https://github.com/HKUDS/DiffKG.
Abstract:Recently, graph neural networks (GNNs) have been successfully applied to recommender systems as an effective collaborative filtering (CF) approach. The key idea of GNN-based recommender system is to recursively perform the message passing along the user-item interaction edge for refining the encoded embeddings, relying on sufficient and high-quality training data. Since user behavior data in practical recommendation scenarios is often noisy and exhibits skewed distribution, some recommendation approaches, e.g., SGL and SimGCL, leverage self-supervised learning to improve user representations against the above issues. Despite their effectiveness, however, they conduct self-supervised learning through creating contrastvie views, depending on the exploration of data augmentations with the problem of tedious trial-and-error selection of augmentation methods. In this paper, we propose a novel Adaptive Graph Contrastive Learning (AdaptiveGCL) framework which conducts graph contrastive learning with two adaptive contrastive view generators to better empower CF paradigm. Specifically, we use two trainable view generators, which are a graph generative model and a graph denoising model respectively, to create contrastive views. Two generators are able to create adaptive contrastive views, addressing the problem of model collapse and achieving adaptive contrastive learning. With two adaptive contrasive views, more additionally high-quality training signals will be introduced into the CF paradigm and help to alleviate the data sparsity and noise issues. Extensive experiments on three benchmark datasets demonstrate the superiority of our model over various state-of-the-art recommendation methods. Further visual analysis intuitively explains why our AdaptiveGCL outperforms existing contrastive learning approaches based on selected data augmentation methods.