Abstract:We present a neural network architecture and training method designed to enable very rapid training and low implementation complexity. Due to its training speed and very few tunable parameters, the method has strong potential for applications requiring frequent retraining or online training. The approach is characterized by (a) convolutional filters based on biologically inspired visual processing filters, (b) randomly-valued classifier-stage input weights, (c) use of least squares regression to train the classifier output weights in a single batch, and (d) linear classifier-stage output units. We demonstrate the efficacy of the method by applying it to image classification. Our results match existing state-of-the-art results on the MNIST (0.37% error) and NORB-small (2.2% error) image classification databases, but with very fast training times compared to standard deep network approaches. The network's performance on the Google Street View House Number (SVHN) (4% error) database is also competitive with state-of-the art methods.
Abstract:Recent advances in training deep (multi-layer) architectures have inspired a renaissance in neural network use. For example, deep convolutional networks are becoming the default option for difficult tasks on large datasets, such as image and speech recognition. However, here we show that error rates below 1% on the MNIST handwritten digit benchmark can be replicated with shallow non-convolutional neural networks. This is achieved by training such networks using the 'Extreme Learning Machine' (ELM) approach, which also enables a very rapid training time (~10 minutes). Adding distortions, as is common practise for MNIST, reduces error rates even further. Our methods are also shown to be capable of achieving less than 5.5% error rates on the NORB image database. To achieve these results, we introduce several enhancements to the standard ELM algorithm, which individually and in combination can significantly improve performance. The main innovation is to ensure each hidden-unit operates only on a randomly sized and positioned patch of each image. This form of random `receptive field' sampling of the input ensures the input weight matrix is sparse, with about 90% of weights equal to zero. Furthermore, combining our methods with a small number of iterations of a single-batch backpropagation method can significantly reduce the number of hidden-units required to achieve a particular performance. Our close to state-of-the-art results for MNIST and NORB suggest that the ease of use and accuracy of the ELM algorithm for designing a single-hidden-layer neural network classifier should cause it to be given greater consideration either as a standalone method for simpler problems, or as the final classification stage in deep neural networks applied to more difficult problems.