Abstract:This paper proposes a computationally efficient algorithm to address the Full-Waveform Inversion (FWI) problem with a Total Variation (TV) constraint, designed to accurately reconstruct subsurface properties from seismic data. FWI, as an ill-posed inverse problem, requires effective regularizations or constraints to ensure accurate and stable solutions. Among these, the TV constraint is widely known as a powerful prior for modeling the piecewise smooth structure of subsurface properties. However, solving the optimization problem is challenging because of the nonlinear observation process combined with the non-smoothness of the TV constraint. Conventional methods rely on inner loops and/or approximations, which lead to high computational cost and/or inappropriate solutions. To address these limitations, we develop a novel algorithm based on a primal-dual splitting method, achieving computational efficiency by eliminating inner loops and ensuring high accuracy by avoiding approximations. We also demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method through experiments using the SEG/EAGE Salt and Overthrust Models. The source code will be available at https://www.mdi.c.titech.ac.jp/publications/fwiwtv.
Abstract:We propose a general deep plug-and-play (PnP) algorithm with a theoretical convergence guarantee. PnP strategies have demonstrated outstanding performance in various image restoration tasks by exploiting the powerful priors underlying Gaussian denoisers. However, existing PnP methods often lack theoretical convergence guarantees under realistic assumptions due to their ad-hoc nature, resulting in inconsistent behavior. Moreover, even when convergence guarantees are provided, they are typically designed for specific settings or require a considerable computational cost in handling non-quadratic data-fidelity terms and additional constraints, which are key components in many image restoration scenarios. To tackle these challenges, we integrate the PnP paradigm with primal-dual splitting (PDS), an efficient proximal splitting methodology for solving a wide range of convex optimization problems, and develop a general convergent PnP framework. Specifically, we establish theoretical conditions for the convergence of the proposed PnP algorithm under a reasonable assumption. Furthermore, we show that the problem solved by the proposed PnP algorithm is not a standard convex optimization problem but a more general monotone inclusion problem, where we provide a mathematical representation of the solution set. Our approach efficiently handles a broad class of image restoration problems with guaranteed theoretical convergence. Numerical experiments on specific image restoration tasks validate the practicality and effectiveness of our theoretical results.
Abstract:This extended abstract introduces a class of graph learning applicable to cases where the underlying graph has polytopic uncertainty, i.e., the graph is not exactly known, but its parameters or properties vary within a known range. By incorporating this assumption that the graph lies in a polytopic set into two established graph learning frameworks, we find that our approach yields better results with less computation.
Abstract:This paper proposes a novel regularization method, named Spatio-Spectral Structure Tensor Total Variation (S3TTV), for denoising and destriping of hyperspectral (HS) images. HS images are inevitably contaminated by various types of noise, during acquisition process, due to the measurement equipment and the environment. For HS image denoising and destriping tasks, Spatio-Spectral Total Variation (SSTV), defined using second-order spatio-spectral differences, is widely known as a powerful regularization approach that models the underlying spatio-spectral properties. However, since SSTV refers only to adjacent pixels/bands, semi-local spatial structures are not preserved during denoising process. To address this problem, we newly design S3TTV, defined by the sum of the nuclear norms of matrices consisting of second-order spatio-spectral differences in small spectral blocks (we call these matrices as spatio-spectral structure tensors). The proposed regularization method simultaneously models the spatial piecewise-smoothness, the spatial similarity between adjacent bands, and the spectral correlation across all bands in small spectral blocks, leading to effective noise removal while preserving the semi-local spatial structures. Furthermore, we formulate the HS image denoising and destriping problem as a convex optimization problem involving S3TTV and develop an algorithm based on a preconditioned primal-dual splitting method to solve this problem efficiently. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of S3TTV by comparing it with existing methods, including state-of-the-art ones through denoising and destriping experiments.
Abstract:We propose a novel hyperspectral (HS) anomaly detection method that is robust to various types of noise. Most of existing HS anomaly detection methods are designed for cases where a given HS image is noise-free or is contaminated only by small Gaussian noise. However, in real-world situations, observed HS images are often degraded by various types of noise, such as sparse noise and stripe noise, due to sensor failure or calibration errors, significantly affecting the detection performance. To address this problem, this article establishes a robust HS anomaly detection method with a mechanism that can properly remove mixed noise while separating background and anomaly parts. Specifically, we newly formulate a constrained convex optimization problem to decompose background and anomaly parts, and three types of noise from a given HS image. Then, we develop an efficient algorithm based on a preconditioned variant of a primal-dual splitting method to solve this problem. Through comparison with existing methods, including state-of-the-art ones, we illustrate that the proposed method achieves a detection accuracy comparable to state-of-the-art methods in noise-free cases and is significantly more robust than these methods in noisy cases.
Abstract:This paper proposes a novel spatiotemporal (ST) fusion framework for satellite images, named Robust Optimization-based Spatiotemporal Fusion (ROSTF). ST fusion is a promising approach to resolve a trade-off between the temporal and spatial resolution of satellite images. Although many ST fusion methods have been proposed, most of them are not designed to explicitly account for noise in observed images, despite the inevitable influence of noise caused by the measurement equipment and environment. Our ROSTF addresses this challenge by treating the noise removal of the observed images and the estimation of the target high-resolution image as a single optimization problem. Specifically, first, we define observation models for satellite images possibly contaminated with random noise, outliers, and/or missing values, and then introduce certain assumptions that would naturally hold between the observed images and the target high-resolution image. Then, based on these models and assumptions, we formulate the fusion problem as a constrained optimization problem and develop an efficient algorithm based on a preconditioned primal-dual splitting method for solving the problem. The performance of ROSTF was verified using simulated and real data. The results show that ROSTF performs comparably to several state-of-the-art ST fusion methods in noiseless cases and outperforms them in noisy cases.
Abstract:This paper proposes a method for properly sampling graph signals under smoothness priors. Unlike many existing approaches that assume bandlimited graph signals, our method designs a sampling operator for graph signals that are not necessarily bandlimited based on the generalized sampling theory. First, we formulate the sampling operator design under smoothness priors as a feasibility problem. Then, we transform this problem into a Difference-of-Convex (DC) problem by relaxing a certain invertibility constraint in the original problem using the nuclear norm. Furthermore, we develop an efficient algorithm to solve this DC problem based on the proximal linearized difference-of-convex algorithm and guarantee its convergence to a critical point of the problem. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our method for several graph signal models through sampling-and-reconstruction experiments.
Abstract:Hyperspectral (HS) unmixing is the process of decomposing an HS image into material-specific spectra (endmembers) and their spatial distributions (abundance maps). Existing unmixing methods have two limitations with respect to noise robustness. First, if the input HS image is highly noisy, even if the balance between sparse and piecewise-smooth regularizations for abundance maps is carefully adjusted, noise may remain in the estimated abundance maps or undesirable artifacts may appear. Second, existing methods do not explicitly account for the effects of stripe noise, which is common in HS measurements, in their formulations, resulting in significant degradation of unmixing performance when such noise is present in the input HS image. To overcome these limitations, we propose a new robust hyperspectral unmixing method based on constrained convex optimization. Our method employs, in addition to the two regularizations for the abundance maps, regularizations for the HS image reconstructed by mixing the estimated abundance maps and endmembers. This strategy makes the unmixing process much more robust in highly-noisy scenarios, under the assumption that the abundance maps used to reconstruct the HS image with desirable spatio-spectral structure are also expected to have desirable properties. Furthermore, our method is designed to accommodate a wider variety of noise including stripe noise. To solve the formulated optimization problem, we develop an efficient algorithm based on a preconditioned primal-dual splitting method, which can automatically determine appropriate stepsizes based on the problem structure. Experiments on synthetic and real HS images demonstrate the advantages of our method over existing methods.
Abstract:This paper proposes a method of designing appropriate diagonal preconditioners for a preconditioned primal-dual splitting method (P-PDS). P-PDS can efficiently solve various types of convex optimization problems arising in signal processing and image processing. Since the appropriate diagonal preconditioners that accelerate the convergence of P-PDS vary greatly depending on the structure of the target optimization problem, a design method of diagonal preconditioners for PPDS has been proposed to determine them automatically from the problem structure. However, the existing method has two limitations: it requires direct access to all elements of the matrices representing the linear operators involved in the target optimization problem, and it is element-wise preconditioning, which makes certain types of proximity operators impossible to compute analytically. To overcome these limitations, we establish an Operator-norm-based design method of Variable-wise Diagonal Preconditioning (OVDP). First, the diagonal preconditioners constructed by OVDP are defined using only the operator norm or its upper bound of the linear operator thus eliminating the need for their explicit matrix representations. Furthermore, since our method is variable-wise preconditioning, it keeps all proximity operators efficiently computable. We also prove that our preconditioners satisfy the convergence conditions of PPDS. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness and utility of our method through applications to hyperspectral image mixed noise removal, hyperspectral unmixing, and graph signal recovery.
Abstract:The paper proposes a new high spatial resolution hyperspectral (HR-HS) image estimation method based on convex optimization. The method assumes a low spatial resolution HS (LR-HS) image and a guide image as observations, where both observations are contaminated by noise. Our method simultaneously estimates an HR-HS image and a noiseless guide image, so the method can utilize spatial information in a guide image even if it is contaminated by heavy noise. The proposed estimation problem adopts hybrid spatio-spectral total variation as regularization and evaluates the edge similarity between HR-HS and guide images to effectively use apriori knowledge on an HR-HS image and spatial detail information in a guide image. To efficiently solve the problem, we apply a primal-dual splitting method. Experiments demonstrate the performance of our method and the advantage over several existing methods.