Abstract:Single-image 3D reconstruction is a research challenge focused on predicting 3D object shapes from single-view images. This task requires significant data acquisition to predict both visible and occluded portions of the shape. Furthermore, learning-based methods face the difficulty of creating a comprehensive training dataset for all possible classes. To this end, we propose a continual learning-based 3D reconstruction method where our goal is to design a model using Variational Priors that can still reconstruct the previously seen classes reasonably even after training on new classes. Variational Priors represent abstract shapes and combat forgetting, whereas saliency maps preserve object attributes with less memory usage. This is vital due to resource constraints in storing extensive training data. Additionally, we introduce saliency map-based experience replay to capture global and distinct object features. Thorough experiments show competitive results compared to established methods, both quantitatively and qualitatively.
Abstract:Many modern computer vision algorithms suffer from two major bottlenecks: scarcity of data and learning new tasks incrementally. While training the model with new batches of data the model looses it's ability to classify the previous data judiciously which is termed as catastrophic forgetting. Conventional methods have tried to mitigate catastrophic forgetting of the previously learned data while the training at the current session has been compromised. The state-of-the-art generative replay based approaches use complicated structures such as generative adversarial network (GAN) to deal with catastrophic forgetting. Additionally, training a GAN with few samples may lead to instability. In this work, we present a novel method to deal with these two major hurdles. Our method identifies a better embedding space with an improved contrasting loss to make classification more robust. Moreover, our approach is able to retain previously acquired knowledge in the embedding space even when trained with new classes. We update previous session class prototypes while training in such a way that it is able to represent the true class mean. This is of prime importance as our classification rule is based on the nearest class mean classification strategy. We have demonstrated our results by showing that the embedding space remains intact after training the model with new classes. We showed that our method preformed better than the existing state-of-the-art algorithms in terms of accuracy across different sessions.