Abstract:This study investigates the potential of multimodal data integration, which combines electroencephalogram (EEG) data with sociodemographic characteristics like age, sex, education, and intelligence quotient (IQ), to diagnose mental diseases like schizophrenia, depression, and anxiety. Using Apache Spark and convolutional neural networks (CNNs), a data-driven classification pipeline has been developed for big data environment to effectively analyze massive datasets. In order to evaluate brain activity and connection patterns associated with mental disorders, EEG parameters such as power spectral density (PSD) and coherence are examined. The importance of coherence features is highlighted by comparative analysis, which shows significant improvement in classification accuracy and robustness. This study emphasizes the significance of holistic approaches for efficient diagnostic tools by integrating a variety of data sources. The findings open the door for creative, data-driven approaches to treating psychiatric diseases by demonstrating the potential of utilizing big data, sophisticated deep learning methods, and multimodal datasets to enhance the precision, usability, and comprehension of mental health diagnostics.
Abstract:Individual's general well-being is greatly impacted by mental health conditions including depression and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), underscoring the importance of early detection and precise diagnosis in order to facilitate prompt clinical intervention. An advanced multimodal deep learning system for the automated classification of PTSD and depression is presented in this paper. Utilizing textual and audio data from clinical interview datasets, the method combines features taken from both modalities by combining the architectures of LSTM (Long Short Term Memory) and BiLSTM (Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory).Although text features focus on speech's semantic and grammatical components; audio features capture vocal traits including rhythm, tone, and pitch. This combination of modalities enhances the model's capacity to identify minute patterns connected to mental health conditions. Using test datasets, the proposed method achieves classification accuracies of 92% for depression and 93% for PTSD, outperforming traditional unimodal approaches and demonstrating its accuracy and robustness.
Abstract:Liver diseases pose a significant global health burden, impacting a substantial number of individuals and exerting substantial economic and social consequences. Rising liver problems are considered a fatal disease in many countries, such as Egypt, Molda, etc. The objective of this study is to construct a predictive model for liver illness using Basic Formal Ontology (BFO) and detection rules derived from a decision tree algorithm. Based on these rules, events are detected through batch processing using the Apache Jena framework. Based on the event detected, queries can be directly processed using SPARQL. To make the ontology operational, these Decision Tree (DT) rules are converted into Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL). Using this SWRL in the ontology for predicting different types of liver disease with the help of the Pellet and Drool inference engines in Protege Tools, a total of 615 records are taken from different liver diseases. After inferring the rules, the result can be generated for the patient according to the DT rules, and other patient-related details along with different precautionary suggestions can be obtained based on these results. Combining query results of batch processing and ontology-generated results can give more accurate suggestions for disease prevention and detection. This work aims to provide a comprehensive approach that is applicable for liver disease prediction, rich knowledge graph representation, and smart querying capabilities. The results show that combining RDF data, SWRL rules, and SPARQL queries for analysing and predicting liver disease can help medical professionals to learn more about liver diseases and make a Decision Support System (DSS) for health care.
Abstract:Vector-borne diseases (VBDs) are a kind of infection caused through the transmission of vectors generated by the bites of infected parasites, bacteria, and viruses, such as ticks, mosquitoes, triatomine bugs, blackflies, and sandflies. If these diseases are not properly treated within a reasonable time frame, the mortality rate may rise. In this work, we propose a set of ontologies that will help in the diagnosis and treatment of vector-borne diseases. For developing VBD's ontology, electronic health records taken from the Indian Health Records website, text data generated from Indian government medical mobile applications, and doctors' prescribed handwritten notes of patients are used as input. This data is then converted into correct text using Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and a spelling checker after pre-processing. Natural Language Processing (NLP) is applied for entity extraction from text data for making Resource Description Framework (RDF) medical data with the help of the Patient Clinical Data (PCD) ontology. Afterwards, Basic Formal Ontology (BFO), National Vector Borne Disease Control Program (NVBDCP) guidelines, and RDF medical data are used to develop ontologies for VBDs, and Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL) rules are applied for diagnosis and treatment. The developed ontology helps in the construction of decision support systems (DSS) for the NVBDCP to control these diseases.
Abstract:SARS-COV-19 is the most prominent issue which many countries face today. The frequent changes in infections, recovered and deaths represents the dynamic nature of this pandemic. It is very crucial to predict the spreading rate of this virus for accurate decision making against fighting with the situation of getting infected through the virus, tracking and controlling the virus transmission in the community. We develop a prediction model using statistical time series models such as SARIMA and FBProphet to monitor the daily active, recovered and death cases of COVID-19 accurately. Then with the help of various details across each individual patient (like height, weight, gender etc.), we designed a set of rules using Semantic Web Rule Language and some mathematical models for dealing with COVID19 infected cases on an individual basis. After combining all the models, a COVID-19 Ontology is developed and performs various queries using SPARQL query on designed Ontology which accumulate the risk factors, provide appropriate diagnosis, precautions and preventive suggestions for COVID Patients. After comparing the performance of SARIMA and FBProphet, it is observed that the SARIMA model performs better in forecasting of COVID cases. On individual basis COVID case prediction, approx. 497 individual samples have been tested and classified into five different levels of COVID classes such as Having COVID, No COVID, High Risk COVID case, Medium to High Risk case, and Control needed case.
Abstract:Recent advancement in the field of pervasive healthcare monitoring systems causes the generation of a huge amount of lifelog data in real-time. Chronic diseases are one of the most serious health challenges in developing and developed countries. According to WHO, this accounts for 73% of all deaths and 60% of the global burden of diseases. Chronic disease classification models are now harnessing the potential of lifelog data to explore better healthcare practices. This paper is to construct an optimal feature selection-based unsupervised logistic regression model (OFS-ULR) to classify chronic diseases. Since lifelog data analysis is crucial due to its sensitive nature; thus the conventional classification models show limited performance. Therefore, designing new classifiers for the classification of chronic diseases using lifelog data is the need of the age. The vital part of building a good model depends on pre-processing of the dataset, identifying important features, and then training a learning algorithm with suitable hyper parameters for better performance. The proposed approach improves the performance of existing methods using a series of steps such as (i) removing redundant or invalid instances, (ii) making the data labelled using clustering and partitioning the data into classes, (iii) identifying the suitable subset of features by applying either some domain knowledge or selection algorithm, (iv) hyper parameter tuning for models to get best results, and (v) performance evaluation using Spark streaming environment. For this purpose, two-time series datasets are used in the experiment to compute the accuracy, recall, precision, and f1-score. The experimental analysis proves the suitability of the proposed approach as compared to the conventional classifiers and our newly constructed model achieved highest accuracy and reduced training complexity among all among all.
Abstract:Stress, anxiety, and nervousness are all high-risk health states in everyday life. Previously, stress levels were determined by speaking with people and gaining insight into what they had experienced recently or in the past. Typically, stress is caused by an incidence that occurred a long time ago, but sometimes it is triggered by unknown factors. This is a challenging and complex task, but recent research advances have provided numerous opportunities to automate it. The fundamental features of most of these techniques are electro dermal activity (EDA) and heart rate values (HRV). We utilized an accelerometer to measure body motions to solve this challenge. The proposed novel method employs a test that measures a subject's electrocardiogram (ECG), galvanic skin values (GSV), HRV values, and body movements in order to provide a low-cost and time-saving solution for detecting stress lifestyle disease in modern times using cyber physical systems. This study provides a new hybrid model for lifestyle disease classification that decreases execution time while picking the best collection of characteristics and increases classification accuracy. The developed approach is capable of dealing with the class imbalance problem by using WESAD (wearable stress and affect dataset) dataset. The new model uses the Grid search (GS) method to select an optimized set of hyper parameters, and it uses a combination of the Correlation coefficient based Recursive feature elimination (CoC-RFE) method for optimal feature selection and gradient boosting as an estimator to classify the dataset, which achieves high accuracy and helps to provide smart, accurate, and high-quality healthcare systems. To demonstrate the validity and utility of the proposed methodology, its performance is compared to those of other well-established machine learning models.