Abstract:In this paper, we present a novel architecture for interactive segmentation in winter sports contexts. The field of interactive segmentation deals with the prediction of high-quality segmentation masks by informing the network about the objects position with the help of user guidance. In our case the guidance consists of click prompts. For this task, we first present a baseline architecture which is specifically geared towards quickly responding after each click. Afterwards, we motivate and describe a number of architectural modifications which improve the performance when tasked with segmenting winter sports equipment on the WSESeg dataset. With regards to the average NoC@85 metric on the WSESeg classes, we outperform SAM and HQ-SAM by 2.336 and 7.946 clicks, respectively. When applied to the HQSeg-44k dataset, our system delivers state-of-the-art results with a NoC@90 of 6.00 and NoC@95 of 9.89. In addition to that, we test our model on a novel dataset containing masks for humans during skiing.
Abstract:In this paper, we draw an analogy between processing natural languages and processing multivariate event streams from vehicles in order to predict $\textit{when}$ and $\textit{what}$ error pattern is most likely to occur in the future for a given car. Our approach leverages the temporal dynamics and contextual relationships of our event data from a fleet of cars. Event data is composed of discrete values of error codes as well as continuous values such as time and mileage. Modelled by two causal Transformers, we can anticipate vehicle failures and malfunctions before they happen. Thus, we introduce $\textit{CarFormer}$, a Transformer model trained via a new self-supervised learning strategy, and $\textit{EPredictor}$, an autoregressive Transformer decoder model capable of predicting $\textit{when}$ and $\textit{what}$ error pattern will most likely occur after some error code apparition. Despite the challenges of high cardinality of event types, their unbalanced frequency of appearance and limited labelled data, our experimental results demonstrate the excellent predictive ability of our novel model. Specifically, with sequences of $160$ error codes on average, our model is able with only half of the error codes to achieve $80\%$ F1 score for predicting $\textit{what}$ error pattern will occur and achieves an average absolute error of $58.4 \pm 13.2$h $\textit{when}$ forecasting the time of occurrence, thus enabling confident predictive maintenance and enhancing vehicle safety.
Abstract:In this paper we introduce a new dataset containing instance segmentation masks for ten different categories of winter sports equipment, called WSESeg (Winter Sports Equipment Segmentation). Furthermore, we carry out interactive segmentation experiments on said dataset to explore possibilities for efficient further labeling. The SAM and HQ-SAM models are conceptualized as foundation models for performing user guided segmentation. In order to measure their claimed generalization capability we evaluate them on WSESeg. Since interactive segmentation offers the benefit of creating easily exploitable ground truth data during test-time, we are going to test various online adaptation methods for the purpose of exploring potentials for improvements without having to fine-tune the models explicitly. Our experiments show that our adaptation methods drastically reduce the Failure Rate (FR) and Number of Clicks (NoC) metrics, which generally leads faster to better interactive segmentation results.
Abstract:Utilizing transformer architectures for semantic segmentation of high-resolution images is hindered by the attention's quadratic computational complexity in the number of tokens. A solution to this challenge involves decreasing the number of tokens through token merging, which has exhibited remarkable enhancements in inference speed, training efficiency, and memory utilization for image classification tasks. In this paper, we explore various token merging strategies within the framework of the Segformer architecture and perform experiments on multiple semantic segmentation and human pose estimation datasets. Notably, without model re-training, we, for example, achieve an inference acceleration of 61% on the Cityscapes dataset while maintaining the mIoU performance. Consequently, this paper facilitates the deployment of transformer-based architectures on resource-constrained devices and in real-time applications.
Abstract:Scene graph generation has emerged as a prominent research field in computer vision, witnessing significant advancements in the recent years. However, despite these strides, precise and thorough definitions for the metrics used to evaluate scene graph generation models are lacking. In this paper, we address this gap in the literature by providing a review and precise definition of commonly used metrics in scene graph generation. Our comprehensive examination clarifies the underlying principles of these metrics and can serve as a reference or introduction to scene graph metrics. Furthermore, to facilitate the usage of these metrics, we introduce a standalone Python package called SGBench that efficiently implements all defined metrics, ensuring their accessibility to the research community. Additionally, we present a scene graph benchmarking web service, that enables researchers to compare scene graph generation methods and increase visibility of new methods in a central place. All of our code can be found at https://lorjul.github.io/sgbench/.
Abstract:The interactive segmentation task consists in the creation of object segmentation masks based on user interactions. The most common way to guide a model towards producing a correct segmentation consists in clicks on the object and background. The recently published Segment Anything Model (SAM) supports a generalized version of the interactive segmentation problem and has been trained on an object segmentation dataset which contains 1.1B masks. Though being trained extensively and with the explicit purpose of serving as a foundation model, we show significant limitations of SAM when being applied for interactive segmentation on novel domains or object types. On the used datasets, SAM displays a failure rate $\text{FR}_{30}@90$ of up to $72.6 \%$. Since we still want such foundation models to be immediately applicable, we present a framework that can adapt SAM during immediate usage. For this we will leverage the user interactions and masks, which are constructed during the interactive segmentation process. We use this information to generate pseudo-labels, which we use to compute a loss function and optimize a part of the SAM model. The presented method causes a relative reduction of up to $48.1 \%$ in the $\text{FR}_{20}@85$ and $46.6 \%$ in the $\text{FR}_{30}@90$ metrics.
Abstract:Pseudo depth maps are depth map predicitions which are used as ground truth during training. In this paper we leverage pseudo depth maps in order to segment objects of classes that have never been seen during training. This renders our object segmentation task an open world task. The pseudo depth maps are generated using pretrained networks, which have either been trained with the full intention to generalize to downstream tasks (LeRes and MiDaS), or which have been trained in an unsupervised fashion on video sequences (MonodepthV2). In order to tell our network which object to segment, we provide the network with a single click on the object's surface on the pseudo depth map of the image as input. We test our approach on two different scenarios: One without the RGB image and one where the RGB image is part of the input. Our results demonstrate a considerably better generalization performance from seen to unseen object types when depth is used. On the Semantic Boundaries Dataset we achieve an improvement from $61.57$ to $69.79$ IoU score on unseen classes, when only using half of the training classes during training and performing the segmentation on depth maps only.
Abstract:Performance analyses based on videos are commonly used by coaches of athletes in various sports disciplines. In individual sports, these analyses mainly comprise the body posture. This paper focuses on the disciplines of triple, high, and long jump, which require fine-grained locations of the athlete's body. Typical human pose estimation datasets provide only a very limited set of keypoints, which is not sufficient in this case. Therefore, we propose a method to detect arbitrary keypoints on the whole body of the athlete by leveraging the limited set of annotated keypoints and auto-generated segmentation masks of body parts. Evaluations show that our model is capable of detecting keypoints on the head, torso, hands, feet, arms, and legs, including also bent elbows and knees. We analyze and compare different techniques to encode desired keypoints as the model's input and their embedding for the Transformer backbone.
Abstract:Semi-supervised learning (SSL) can reduce the need for large labelled datasets by incorporating unlabelled data into the training. This is particularly interesting for semantic segmentation, where labelling data is very costly and time-consuming. Current SSL approaches use an initially supervised trained model to generate predictions for unlabelled images, called pseudo-labels, which are subsequently used for training a new model from scratch. Since the predictions usually do not come from an error-free neural network, they are naturally full of errors. However, training with partially incorrect labels often reduce the final model performance. Thus, it is crucial to manage errors/noise of pseudo-labels wisely. In this work, we use three mechanisms to control pseudo-label noise and errors: (1) We construct a solid base framework by mixing images with cow-patterns on unlabelled images to reduce the negative impact of wrong pseudo-labels. Nevertheless, wrong pseudo-labels still have a negative impact on the performance. Therefore, (2) we propose a simple and effective loss weighting scheme for pseudo-labels defined by the feedback of the model trained on these pseudo-labels. This allows us to soft-weight the pseudo-label training examples based on their determined confidence score during training. (3) We also study the common practice to ignore pseudo-labels with low confidence and empirically analyse the influence and effect of pseudo-labels with different confidence ranges on SSL and the contribution of pseudo-label filtering to the achievable performance gains. We show that our method performs superior to state of-the-art alternatives on various datasets. Furthermore, we show that our findings also transfer to other tasks such as human pose estimation. Our code is available at https://github.com/ChristmasFan/SSL_Denoising_Segmentation.
Abstract:Since COVID strongly affects the respiratory system, lung CT scans can be used for the analysis of a patients health. We introduce an neural network for the prediction of the severity of lung damage and the detection of infection using three-dimensional CT-scans. Therefore, we adapt the recent ConvNeXt model to process three-dimensional data. Furthermore, we introduce different pretraining methods specifically adjusted to improve the models ability to handle three-dimensional CT-data. In order to test the performance of our model, we participate in the 2nd COV19D Competition for severity prediction and infection detection.