Michael Pokorny
Abstract:Benchmarks are important tools for tracking the rapid advancements in large language model (LLM) capabilities. However, benchmarks are not keeping pace in difficulty: LLMs now achieve over 90\% accuracy on popular benchmarks like MMLU, limiting informed measurement of state-of-the-art LLM capabilities. In response, we introduce Humanity's Last Exam (HLE), a multi-modal benchmark at the frontier of human knowledge, designed to be the final closed-ended academic benchmark of its kind with broad subject coverage. HLE consists of 3,000 questions across dozens of subjects, including mathematics, humanities, and the natural sciences. HLE is developed globally by subject-matter experts and consists of multiple-choice and short-answer questions suitable for automated grading. Each question has a known solution that is unambiguous and easily verifiable, but cannot be quickly answered via internet retrieval. State-of-the-art LLMs demonstrate low accuracy and calibration on HLE, highlighting a significant gap between current LLM capabilities and the expert human frontier on closed-ended academic questions. To inform research and policymaking upon a clear understanding of model capabilities, we publicly release HLE at https://lastexam.ai.
Abstract:In this article, we consider overlay space-air-ground integrated networks (OSAGINs) where a low earth orbit (LEO) satellite communicates with ground users (GUs) with the assistance of an energy-constrained coexisting air-to-air (A2A) network. Particularly, a non-linear energy harvester with a hybrid SWIPT utilizing both power-splitting and time-switching energy harvesting (EH) techniques is employed at the aerial transmitter. Specifically, we take the random locations of the satellite, ground and aerial receivers to investigate the outage performance of both the satellite-to-ground and aerial networks leveraging the stochastic tools. By taking into account the Shadowed-Rician fading for satellite link, the Nakagami-\emph{m} for ground link, and the Rician fading for aerial link, we derive analytical expressions for the outage probability of these networks. For a comprehensive analysis of aerial network, we consider both the perfect and imperfect successive interference cancellation (SIC) scenarios. Through our analysis, we illustrate that, unlike linear EH, the implementation of non-linear EH provides accurate figures for any target rate, underscoring the significance of using non-linear EH models. Additionally, the influence of key parameters is emphasized, providing guidelines for the practical design of an energy-efficient as well as spectrum-efficient future non-terrestrial networks. Monte Carlo simulations validate the accuracy of our theoretical developments.
Abstract:A novel first-order method is proposed for training generative adversarial networks (GANs). It modifies the Gauss-Newton method to approximate the min-max Hessian and uses the Sherman-Morrison inversion formula to calculate the inverse. The method corresponds to a fixed-point method that ensures necessary contraction. To evaluate its effectiveness, numerical experiments are conducted on various datasets commonly used in image generation tasks, such as MNIST, Fashion MNIST, CIFAR10, FFHQ, and LSUN. Our method is capable of generating high-fidelity images with greater diversity across multiple datasets. It also achieves the highest inception score for CIFAR10 among all compared methods, including state-of-the-art second-order methods. Additionally, its execution time is comparable to that of first-order min-max methods.
Abstract:Generative AI has seen remarkable growth over the past few years, with diffusion models being state-of-the-art for image generation. This study investigates the use of diffusion models in generating artificial data generation for electronic circuits for enhancing the accuracy of subsequent machine learning models in tasks such as performance assessment, design, and testing when training data is usually known to be very limited. We utilize simulations in the HSPICE design environment with 22nm CMOS technology nodes to obtain representative real training data for our proposed diffusion model. Our results demonstrate the close resemblance of synthetic data using diffusion model to real data. We validate the quality of generated data, and demonstrate that data augmentation certainly effective in predictive analysis of VLSI design for digital circuits.
Abstract:A large number of computational and scientific methods commonly require decomposing a sparse matrix into triangular factors as LU decomposition. A common problem faced during this decomposition is that even though the given matrix may be very sparse, the decomposition may lead to a denser triangular factors due to fill-in. A significant fill-in may lead to prohibitively larger computational costs and memory requirement during decomposition as well as during the solve phase. To this end, several heuristic sparse matrix reordering methods have been proposed to reduce fill-in before the decomposition. However, finding an optimal reordering algorithm that leads to minimal fill-in during such decomposition is known to be a NP-hard problem. A reinforcement learning based approach is proposed for this problem. The sparse matrix reordering problem is formulated as a single player game. More specifically, Monte-Carlo tree search in combination with neural network is used as a decision making algorithm to search for the best move in our game. The proposed method, alphaElimination is found to produce significantly lesser non-zeros in the LU decomposition as compared to existing state-of-the-art heuristic algorithms with little to no increase in overall running time of the algorithm. The code for the project will be publicly available here\footnote{\url{https://github.com/misterpawan/alphaEliminationPaper}}.
Abstract:Radio frequency (RF) biosensors, in particular those based on inter-digitated capacitors (IDCs), are pivotal in areas like biomedical diagnosis, remote sensing, and wireless communication. Despite their advantages of low cost and easy fabrication, their sensitivity can be hindered by design imperfections, environmental factors, and circuit noise. This paper investigates enhancing the sensitivity of IDC-based RF sensors using novel reinforcement learning based Binary Particle Swarm Optimization (RLBPSO), and it is compared to Ant Colony Optimization (ACO), and other state-of-the-art methods. By focusing on optimizing design parameters like electrode design and finger width, the proposed study found notable improvements in sensor sensitivity. The proposed RLBPSO method shows best optimized design for various frequency ranges when compared to current state-of-the-art methods.
Abstract:The combination of high-throughput experimentation techniques and machine learning (ML) has recently ushered in a new era of accelerated material discovery, enabling the identification of materials with cutting-edge properties. However, the measurement of certain physical quantities remains challenging to automate. Specifically, meticulous process control, experimentation and laborious measurements are required to achieve optimal electrical conductivity in doped polymer materials. We propose a ML approach, which relies on readily measured absorbance spectra, to accelerate the workflow associated with measuring electrical conductivity. The first ML model (classification model), accurately classifies samples with a conductivity >~25 to 100 S/cm, achieving a maximum of 100% accuracy rate. For the subset of highly conductive samples, we employed a second ML model (regression model), to predict their conductivities, yielding an impressive test R2 value of 0.984. To validate the approach, we showed that the models, neither trained on the samples with the two highest conductivities of 498 and 506 S/cm, were able to, in an extrapolative manner, correctly classify and predict them at satisfactory levels of errors. The proposed ML workflow results in an improvement in the efficiency of the conductivity measurements by 89% of the maximum achievable using our experimental techniques. Furthermore, our approach addressed the common challenge of the lack of explainability in ML models by exploiting bespoke mathematical properties of the descriptors and ML model, allowing us to gain corroborated insights into the spectral influences on conductivity. Through this study, we offer an accelerated pathway for optimizing the properties of doped polymer materials while showcasing the valuable insights that can be derived from purposeful utilization of ML in experimental science.
Abstract:We consider the problem of learning low-rank tensors from partial observations with structural constraints, and propose a novel factorization of such tensors, which leads to a simpler optimization problem. The resulting problem is an optimization problem on manifolds. We develop first-order and second-order Riemannian optimization algorithms to solve it. The duality gap for the resulting problem is derived, and we experimentally verify the correctness of the proposed algorithm. We demonstrate the algorithm on nonnegative constraints and Hankel constraints.
Abstract:Recent approaches to the tensor completion problem have often overlooked the nonnegative structure of the data. We consider the problem of learning a nonnegative low-rank tensor, and using duality theory, we propose a novel factorization of such tensors. The factorization decouples the nonnegative constraints from the low-rank constraints. The resulting problem is an optimization problem on manifolds, and we propose a variant of Riemannian conjugate gradients to solve it. We test the proposed algorithm across various tasks such as colour image inpainting, video completion, and hyperspectral image completion. Experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms many state-of-the-art tensor completion algorithms.
Abstract:We propose a second order gradient based method with ADAM and RMSprop for the training of generative adversarial networks. The proposed method is fastest to obtain similar accuracy when compared to prominent second order methods. Unlike state-of-the-art recent methods, it does not require solving a linear system, or it does not require additional mixed second derivative terms. We derive the fixed point iteration corresponding to proposed method, and show that the proposed method is convergent. The proposed method produces better or comparable inception scores, and comparable quality of images compared to other recently proposed state-of-the-art second order methods. Compared to first order methods such as ADAM, it produces significantly better inception scores. The proposed method is compared and validated on popular datasets such as FFHQ, LSUN, CIFAR10, MNIST, and Fashion MNIST for image generation tasks\footnote{Accepted in IJCNN 2023}. Codes: \url{https://github.com/misterpawan/acom}