Abstract:Focalization, the perspective through which narrative is presented, is encoded via a wide range of lexico-grammatical features and is subject to reader interpretation. Moreover, trained readers regularly disagree on interpretations, suggesting that this problem may be computationally intractable. In this paper, we provide experiments to test how well contemporary Large Language Models (LLMs) perform when annotating literary texts for focalization mode. Despite the challenging nature of the task, LLMs show comparable performance to trained human annotators in our experiments. We provide a case study working with the novels of Stephen King to demonstrate the usefulness of this approach for computational literary studies, illustrating how focalization can be studied at scale.
Abstract:In this study, we employ a classification approach to show that different categories of literary "quality" display unique linguistic profiles, leveraging a corpus that encompasses titles from the Norton Anthology, Penguin Classics series, and the Open Syllabus project, contrasted against contemporary bestsellers, Nobel prize winners and recipients of prestigious literary awards. Our analysis reveals that canonical and so called high-brow texts exhibit distinct textual features when compared to other quality categories such as bestsellers and popular titles as well as to control groups, likely responding to distinct (but not mutually exclusive) models of quality. We apply a classic machine learning approach, namely Random Forest, to distinguish quality novels from "control groups", achieving up to 77\% F1 scores in differentiating between the categories. We find that quality category tend to be easier to distinguish from control groups than from other quality categories, suggesting than literary quality features might be distinguishable but shared through quality proxies.