Abstract:Quantization plays a critical role in digital signal processing systems, allowing the representation of continuous amplitude signals with a finite number of bits. However, accurately representing signals requires a large number of quantization bits, which causes severe cost, power consumption, and memory burden. A promising way to address this issue is task-based quantization. By exploiting the task information for the overall system design, task-based quantization can achieve satisfying performance with low quantization costs. In this work, we apply task-based quantization to multi-user signal recovery and present a hardware prototype implementation. The prototype consists of a tailored configurable combining board, and a software-based processing and demonstration system. Through experiments, we verify that with proper design, the task-based quantization achieves a reduction of 25 fold in memory by reducing from 16 receivers with 16 bits each to 2 receivers with 5 bits each, without compromising signal recovery performance.
Abstract:ORCEA is a novel object recognition method applicable for objects describable by a generative model. The primary goal of ORCEA is to maintain a probability density distribution of possible matches over the object parameter space, while continuously updating it with incoming evidence; detection and regression are by-products of this process. ORCEA can project primitive evidence of various types (edge element, area patches etc.) directly on the object parameter space; this made possible by the study phase where ORCEA builds a probabilistic model, for each evidence type, that links evidence and the object-parameters under which they were created. The detection phase consists of building the joint distribution of possible matches resulting from the set of given evidence, including possible grouping to signal/noise; no additional algorithmic steps are needed, as the resulting PDF encapsulates all knowledge about possible solutions. ORCEA represents the match distribution over the parameter space as a set of Gaussian distributions, each representing a concrete probabilistic hypothesis about the object, which can be used outside its scope as well. ORCEA was tested on synthetic images with varying levels of complexity and noise, and shows satisfactory results.