Abstract:There is a great demand for the robotization of manufacturing processes fea-turing monotonous labor. Some manufacturing tasks requiring specific skills (welding, painting, etc.) suffer from a lack of workers. Robots have been used in these tasks, but their flexibility is limited since they are still difficult to program/re-program by non-experts, making them inaccessible to most companies. Robot offline programming (OLP) is reliable. However, generat-ed paths directly from CAD/CAM do not include relevant parameters repre-senting human skills such as robot end-effector orientations and velocities. This paper presents an intuitive robot programming system to capture human manufacturing skills and transform them into robot programs. Demonstra-tions from human skilled workers are recorded using a magnetic tracking system attached to the worker tools. Collected data include the orientations and velocity of the working paths. Positional data are extracted from CAD/CAM since its error when captured by the magnetic tracker, is signifi-cant. Paths poses are transformed in Cartesian space and validated in a simu-lation environment. Robot programs are generated and transferred to the real robot. Experiments on the process of glass adhesive application demonstrat-ed the intuitiveness to use and effectiveness of the proposed framework in capturing human skills and transferring them to the robot.