University of Potsdam, Germany
Abstract:We present plingo, an extension of the ASP system clingo with various probabilistic reasoning modes. Plingo is centered upon LP^MLN, a probabilistic extension of ASP based on a weight scheme from Markov Logic. This choice is motivated by the fact that the core probabilistic reasoning modes can be mapped onto optimization problems and that LP^MLN may serve as a middle-ground formalism connecting to other probabilistic approaches. As a result, plingo offers three alternative frontends, for LP^MLN, P-log, and ProbLog. The corresponding input languages and reasoning modes are implemented by means of clingo's multi-shot and theory solving capabilities. The core of plingo amounts to a re-implementation of LP^MLN in terms of modern ASP technology, extended by an approximation technique based on a new method for answer set enumeration in the order of optimality. We evaluate plingo's performance empirically by comparing it to other probabilistic systems.