Abstract:Vehicles in public traffic that are equipped with Automated Driving Systems are subject to a number of expectations: Among other aspects, their behavior should be safe, conforming to the rules of the road and provide mobility to their users. This poses challenges for the developers of such systems: Developers are responsible for specifying this behavior, for example, in terms of requirements at system design time. As we will discuss in the article, this specification always involves the need for assumptions and trade-offs. As a result, insufficiencies in such a behavior specification can occur that can potentially lead to unsafe system behavior. In order to support the identification of specification insufficiencies, requirements and respective assumptions need to be made explicit. In this article, we propose the Semantic Norm Behavior Analysis as an ontology-based approach to specify the behavior for an Automated Driving System equipped vehicle. We use ontologies to formally represent specified behavior for a targeted operational environment, and to establish traceability between specified behavior and the addressed stakeholder needs. Furthermore, we illustrate the application of the Semantic Norm Behavior Analysis in two example scenarios and evaluate our results.
Abstract:If we consider information as the basis of action, it may be of interest to examine the flow and acquisition of information between the actors in traffic. The central question is, which signals an automaton has to receive, decode or send in road traffic in order to act safely and in a conform manner to valid standards. The phenomenon-signal-model is a method to structure the problem, to analyze and to describe this very signal flow. Explaining the basics, structure and application of this method is the aim of this paper. -- Betrachtet man Information als Grundlage des Handelns, so wird es interessant sein, Fluss und Erfassung von Information zwischen den Akteuren des Verkehrsgeschehens zu untersuchen. Die zentrale Frage ist, welche Signale ein Automat im Stra{\ss}enverkehr empfangen, decodieren oder senden muss, um konform zu geltenden Ma{\ss}st\"aben und sicher zu agieren. Das Ph\"anomen-Signal-Modell ist eine Methode, das Problemfeld zu strukturieren, eben diesen Signalfluss zu analysieren und zu beschreiben. Der vorliegende Aufsatz erkl\"art Grundlagen, Aufbau und Anwendung dieser Methode.