Abstract:Pronunciation modeling is a key task for building speech technology in new languages, and while solid grapheme-to-phoneme (G2P) mapping systems exist, language coverage can stand to be improved. The information needed to build G2P models for many more languages can easily be found on Wikipedia, but unfortunately, it is stored in disparate formats. We report on a system we built to mine a pronunciation data set in 819 languages from loosely structured tables within Wikipedia. The data includes phoneme inventories, and for 63 low-resource languages, also includes the grapheme-to-phoneme (G2P) mapping. 54 of these languages do not have easily findable G2P mappings online otherwise. We turned the information from Wikipedia into a structured, machine-readable TSV format, and make the resulting data set publicly available so it can be improved further and used in a variety of applications involving low-resource languages.
Abstract:This technical report describes our deep internationalization program for Gboard, the Google Keyboard. Today, Gboard supports 900+ language varieties across 70+ writing systems, and this report describes how and why we have been adding support for hundreds of language varieties from around the globe. Many languages of the world are increasingly used in writing on an everyday basis, and we describe the trends we see. We cover technological and logistical challenges in scaling up a language technology product like Gboard to hundreds of language varieties, and describe how we built systems and processes to operate at scale. Finally, we summarize the key take-aways from user studies we ran with speakers of hundreds of languages from around the world.