Abstract:In a wide variety of situations, anomalies in the behaviour of a complex system, whose health is monitored through the observation of a random vector X = (X1,. .. , X d) valued in R d , correspond to the simultaneous occurrence of extreme values for certain subgroups $\alpha$ $\subset$ {1,. .. , d} of variables Xj. Under the heavy-tail assumption, which is precisely appropriate for modeling these phenomena, statistical methods relying on multivariate extreme value theory have been developed in the past few years for identifying such events/subgroups. This paper exploits this approach much further by means of a novel mixture model that permits to describe the distribution of extremal observations and where the anomaly type $\alpha$ is viewed as a latent variable. One may then take advantage of the model by assigning to any extreme point a posterior probability for each anomaly type $\alpha$, defining implicitly a similarity measure between anomalies. It is explained at length how the latter permits to cluster extreme observations and obtain an informative planar representation of anomalies using standard graph-mining tools. The relevance and usefulness of the clustering and 2-d visual display thus designed is illustrated on simulated datasets and on real observations as well, in the aeronautics application domain.
Abstract:Random Forests (RFs) are strong machine learning tools for classification and regression. However, they remain supervised algorithms, and no extension of RFs to the one-class setting has been proposed, except for techniques based on second-class sampling. This work fills this gap by proposing a natural methodology to extend standard splitting criteria to the one-class setting, structurally generalizing RFs to one-class classification. An extensive benchmark of seven state-of-the-art anomaly detection algorithms is also presented. This empirically demonstrates the relevance of our approach.