Abstract:Sampling-based motion planning (SBMP) algorithms are renowned for their robust global search capabilities. However, the inherent randomness in their sampling mechanisms often result in inconsistent path quality and limited search efficiency. In response to these challenges, this work proposes a novel deep learning-based motion planning framework, named Transformer-Enhanced Motion Planner (TEMP), which synergizes an Environmental Information Semantic Encoder (EISE) with a Motion Planning Transformer (MPT). EISE converts environmental data into semantic environmental information (SEI), providing MPT with an enriched environmental comprehension. MPT leverages an attention mechanism to dynamically recalibrate its focus on SEI, task objectives, and historical planning data, refining the sampling node generation. To demonstrate the capabilities of TEMP, we train our model using a dataset comprised of planning results produced by the RRT*. EISE and MPT are collaboratively trained, enabling EISE to autonomously learn and extract patterns from environmental data, thereby forming semantic representations that MPT could more effectively interpret and utilize for motion planning. Subsequently, we conducted a systematic evaluation of TEMP's efficacy across diverse task dimensions, which demonstrates that TEMP achieves exceptional performance metrics and a heightened degree of generalizability compared to state-of-the-art SBMPs.
Abstract:This paper presents three open-source reinforcement learning environments developed on the MuJoCo physics engine with the Franka Emika Panda arm in MuJoCo Menagerie. Three representative tasks, push, slide, and pick-and-place, are implemented through the Gymnasium Robotics API, which inherits from the core of Gymnasium. Both the sparse binary and dense rewards are supported, and the observation space contains the keys of desired and achieved goals to follow the Multi-Goal Reinforcement Learning framework. Three different off-policy algorithms are used to validate the simulation attributes to ensure the fidelity of all tasks, and benchmark results are also given. Each environment and task are defined in a clean way, and the main parameters for modifying the environment are preserved to reflect the main difference. The repository, including all environments, is available at https://github.com/zichunxx/panda_mujoco_gym.