Abstract:We propose an Autoregressive (AR) Moving-average (MA) attention structure that can adapt to various linear attention mechanisms, enhancing their ability to capture long-range and local temporal patterns in time series. In this paper, we first demonstrate that, for the time series forecasting (TSF) task, the previously overlooked decoder-only autoregressive Transformer model can achieve results comparable to the best baselines when appropriate tokenization and training methods are applied. Moreover, inspired by the ARMA model from statistics and recent advances in linear attention, we introduce the full ARMA structure into existing autoregressive attention mechanisms. By using an indirect MA weight generation method, we incorporate the MA term while maintaining the time complexity and parameter size of the underlying efficient attention models. We further explore how indirect parameter generation can produce implicit MA weights that align with the modeling requirements for local temporal impacts. Experimental results show that incorporating the ARMA structure consistently improves the performance of various AR attentions on TSF tasks, achieving state-of-the-art results.
Abstract:Recent Transformer-based large language models (LLMs) demonstrate in-context learning ability to perform various functions based solely on the provided context, without updating model parameters. To fully utilize the in-context capabilities in time series forecasting (TSF) problems, unlike previous Transformer-based or LLM-based time series forecasting methods, we reformulate "time series forecasting tasks" as input tokens by constructing a series of (lookback, future) pairs within the tokens. This method aligns more closely with the inherent in-context mechanisms, and is more parameter-efficient without the need of using pre-trained LLM parameters. Furthermore, it addresses issues such as overfitting in existing Transformer-based TSF models, consistently achieving better performance across full-data, few-shot, and zero-shot settings compared to previous architectures.
Abstract:For Multivariate Time Series Forecasting (MTSF), recent deep learning applications show that univariate models frequently outperform multivariate ones. To address the difficiency in multivariate models, we introduce a method to Construct Auxiliary Time Series (CATS) that functions like a 2D temporal-contextual attention mechanism, which generates Auxiliary Time Series (ATS) from Original Time Series (OTS) to effectively represent and incorporate inter-series relationships for forecasting. Key principles of ATS - continuity, sparsity, and variability - are identified and implemented through different modules. Even with a basic 2-layer MLP as core predictor, CATS achieves state-of-the-art, significantly reducing complexity and parameters compared to previous multivariate models, marking it an efficient and transferable MTSF solution.
Abstract:Long-term time series forecasting (LTSF) is important for various domains but is confronted by challenges in handling the complex temporal-contextual relationships. As multivariate input models underperforming some recent univariate counterparts, we posit that the issue lies in the inefficiency of existing multivariate LTSF Transformers to model series-wise relationships: the characteristic differences between series are often captured incorrectly. To address this, we introduce ARM: a multivariate temporal-contextual adaptive learning method, which is an enhanced architecture specifically designed for multivariate LTSF modelling. ARM employs Adaptive Univariate Effect Learning (AUEL), Random Dropping (RD) training strategy, and Multi-kernel Local Smoothing (MKLS), to better handle individual series temporal patterns and correctly learn inter-series dependencies. ARM demonstrates superior performance on multiple benchmarks without significantly increasing computational costs compared to vanilla Transformer, thereby advancing the state-of-the-art in LTSF. ARM is also generally applicable to other LTSF architecture beyond vanilla Transformer.