Abstract:Medical images acquired from standardized protocols show consistent macroscopic or microscopic anatomical structures, and these structures consist of composable/decomposable organs and tissues, but existing self-supervised learning (SSL) methods do not appreciate such composable/decomposable structure attributes inherent to medical images. To overcome this limitation, this paper introduces a novel SSL approach called ACE to learn anatomically consistent embedding via composition and decomposition with two key branches: (1) global consistency, capturing discriminative macro-structures via extracting global features; (2) local consistency, learning fine-grained anatomical details from composable/decomposable patch features via corresponding matrix matching. Experimental results across 6 datasets 2 backbones, evaluated in few-shot learning, fine-tuning, and property analysis, show ACE's superior robustness, transferability, and clinical potential. The innovations of our ACE lie in grid-wise image cropping, leveraging the intrinsic properties of compositionality and decompositionality of medical images, bridging the semantic gap from high-level pathologies to low-level tissue anomalies, and providing a new SSL method for medical imaging.
Abstract:Self-supervised learning (SSL) approaches have recently shown substantial success in learning visual representations from unannotated images. Compared with photographic images, medical images acquired with the same imaging protocol exhibit high consistency in anatomy. To exploit this anatomical consistency, this paper introduces a novel SSL approach, called PEAC (patch embedding of anatomical consistency), for medical image analysis. Specifically, in this paper, we propose to learn global and local consistencies via stable grid-based matching, transfer pre-trained PEAC models to diverse downstream tasks, and extensively demonstrate that (1) PEAC achieves significantly better performance than the existing state-of-the-art fully/self-supervised methods, and (2) PEAC captures the anatomical structure consistency across views of the same patient and across patients of different genders, weights, and healthy statuses, which enhances the interpretability of our method for medical image analysis.
Abstract:Deep learning nowadays offers expert-level and sometimes even super-expert-level performance, but achieving such performance demands massive annotated data for training (e.g., Google's proprietary CXR Foundation Model (CXR-FM) was trained on 821,544 labeled and mostly private chest X-rays (CXRs)). Numerous datasets are publicly available in medical imaging but individually small and heterogeneous in expert labels. We envision a powerful and robust foundation model that can be trained by aggregating numerous small public datasets. To realize this vision, we have developed Ark, a framework that accrues and reuses knowledge from heterogeneous expert annotations in various datasets. As a proof of concept, we have trained two Ark models on 335,484 and 704,363 CXRs, respectively, by merging several datasets including ChestX-ray14, CheXpert, MIMIC-II, and VinDr-CXR, evaluated them on a wide range of imaging tasks covering both classification and segmentation via fine-tuning, linear-probing, and gender-bias analysis, and demonstrated our Ark's superior and robust performance over the SOTA fully/self-supervised baselines and Google's proprietary CXR-FM. This enhanced performance is attributed to our simple yet powerful observation that aggregating numerous public datasets diversifies patient populations and accrues knowledge from diverse experts, yielding unprecedented performance yet saving annotation cost. With all codes and pretrained models released at GitHub.com/JLiangLab/Ark, we hope that Ark exerts an important impact on open science, as accruing and reusing knowledge from expert annotations in public datasets can potentially surpass the performance of proprietary models trained on unusually large data, inspiring many more researchers worldwide to share codes and datasets to build open foundation models, accelerate open science, and democratize deep learning for medical imaging.
Abstract:Transfer learning from natural image to medical image has been established as one of the most practical paradigms in deep learning for medical image analysis. To fit this paradigm, however, 3D imaging tasks in the most prominent imaging modalities (e.g., CT and MRI) have to be reformulated and solved in 2D, losing rich 3D anatomical information, thereby inevitably compromising its performance. To overcome this limitation, we have built a set of models, called Generic Autodidactic Models, nicknamed Models Genesis, because they are created ex nihilo (with no manual labeling), self-taught (learnt by self-supervision), and generic (served as source models for generating application-specific target models). Our extensive experiments demonstrate that our Models Genesis significantly outperform learning from scratch in all five target 3D applications covering both segmentation and classification. More importantly, learning a model from scratch simply in 3D may not necessarily yield performance better than transfer learning from ImageNet in 2D, but our Models Genesis consistently top any 2D/2.5D approaches including fine-tuning the models pre-trained from ImageNet as well as fine-tuning the 2D versions of our Models Genesis, confirming the importance of 3D anatomical information and significance of Models Genesis for 3D medical imaging. This performance is attributed to our unified self-supervised learning framework, built on a simple yet powerful observation: the sophisticated and recurrent anatomy in medical images can serve as strong yet free supervision signals for deep models to learn common anatomical representation automatically via self-supervision. As open science, all codes and pre-trained Models Genesis are available at https://github.com/MrGiovanni/ModelsGenesis