Abstract:The increasingly rapid spread of information about COVID-19 on the web calls for automatic measures of quality assurance. In that context, we check the credibility of news content using selected linguistic features. We present two empirical studies to evaluate the usability of graphical interfaces that offer such credibility assessment. In a moderated qualitative interview with six participants, we identify rating scale, sub-criteria and algorithm authorship as important predictors of the usability. A subsequent quantitative online survey with 50 participants reveals a conflict between transparency and conciseness in the interface design, as well as a perceived hierarchy of metadata: the authorship of a news text is more important than the authorship of the credibility algorithm used to assess the content quality. Finally, we make suggestions for future research, such as proactively documenting credibility-related metadata for Natural Language Processing and Language Technology services and establishing an explicit hierarchical taxonomy of usability predictors for automatic credibility assessment.
Abstract:In all domains and sectors, the demand for intelligent systems to support the processing and generation of digital content is rapidly increasing. The availability of vast amounts of content and the pressure to publish new content quickly and in rapid succession requires faster, more efficient and smarter processing and generation methods. With a consortium of ten partners from research and industry and a broad range of expertise in AI, Machine Learning and Language Technologies, the QURATOR project, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, develops a sustainable and innovative technology platform that provides services to support knowledge workers in various industries to address the challenges they face when curating digital content. The project's vision and ambition is to establish an ecosystem for content curation technologies that significantly pushes the current state of the art and transforms its region, the metropolitan area Berlin-Brandenburg, into a global centre of excellence for curation technologies.
Abstract:Previous work of ours on Semantic Storytelling uses text analytics procedures including Named Entity Recognition and Event Detection. In this paper, we outline our longer-term vision on Semantic Storytelling and describe the current conceptual and technical approach. In the project that drives our research we develop AI-based technologies that are verified by partners from industry. One long-term goal is the development of an approach for Semantic Storytelling that has broad coverage and that is, furthermore, robust. We provide first results on experiments that involve discourse parsing, applied to a concrete use case, "Explore the Neighbourhood!", which is based on a semi-automatically collected data set with documents about noteworthy people in one of Berlin's districts. Though automatically obtaining annotations for coherence relations from plain text is a non-trivial challenge, our preliminary results are promising. We envision our approach to be combined with additional features (NER, coreference resolution, knowledge graphs