Abstract:Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in slowly varying scenes is important for long-term robot task completion. Failing to detect scene changes may lead to inaccurate maps and, ultimately, lost robots. Classical SLAM algorithms assume static scenes, and recent works take dynamics into account, but require scene changes to be observed in consecutive frames. Semi-static scenes, wherein objects appear, disappear, or move slowly over time, are often overlooked, yet are critical for long-term operation. We propose an object-aware, factor-graph SLAM framework that tracks and reconstructs semi-static object-level changes. Our novel variational expectation-maximization strategy is used to optimize factor graphs involving a Gaussian-Uniform bimodal measurement likelihood for potentially-changing objects. We evaluate our approach alongside the state-of-the-art SLAM solutions in simulation and on our novel real-world SLAM dataset captured in a warehouse over four months. Our method improves the robustness of localization in the presence of semi-static changes, providing object-level reasoning about the scene.
Abstract:Maintaining an up-to-date map to reflect recent changes in the scene is very important, particularly in situations involving repeated traversals by a robot operating in an environment over an extended period. Undetected changes may cause a deterioration in map quality, leading to poor localization, inefficient operations, and lost robots. Volumetric methods, such as truncated signed distance functions (TSDFs), have quickly gained traction due to their real-time production of a dense and detailed map, though map updating in scenes that change over time remains a challenge. We propose a framework that introduces a novel probabilistic object state representation to track object pose changes in semi-static scenes. The representation jointly models a stationarity score and a TSDF change measure for each object. A Bayesian update rule that incorporates both geometric and semantic information is derived to achieve consistent online map maintenance. To extensively evaluate our approach alongside the state-of-the-art, we release a novel real-world dataset in a warehouse environment. We also evaluate on the public ToyCar dataset. Our method outperforms state-of-the-art methods on the reconstruction quality of semi-static environments.